Thursday, June 2, 2011

Tips for med school?

Tips for med school?
Ok, so I am going into my freshmen year and I am beginning my work on my collage manuscript. I am in track, dance team, and marching band. Next year I will be in golf. I am in all advanced classes (except for geometry, but i am still a year ahead of most of my peers.) I will be taking 4 years of German and every summer I am taking an online math class so I can skip ahead a grade in math so I will be in pre-cal by my sophomore year. I have med classes at my school that i will be taking for the three years of high school that it is available for. I am in a ton of clubs such as FCCLA and NJHS (Which is made for getting you scholarships) And grades wise I think i am in the top 5% to 10% in my class. I want to get into Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore Maryland. Any tips for getting a full scholarship to the collage of my dreams? I am planning to be a pediatric neurosurgeon. The med classes are along side of my science classes. My school provides local jobs at medical facilities for the med students.
Higher Education (University +) - 3 Answers

Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
An over achiever like you is asking us for advice. I don't see a full sweep of science, including chemistry and biology unless you are including that in medical.

Try to find ways to show your interest in the field of medicine. See if you can find a job being an assistant as an assistant in the Radiology department of a hospital or something. Go to Johns Hopkins website and search for scholarships they offer. And try to work on what they're looking for in candidates.

Being the top 5-10% (instead of the real genius 0.1%) mean you have to show more REAL interest in medicine, esp if you say that you wanna be a paed neurosurgeon. Med school will select ppl who have vast interests but only the really top student. To get a scholarship, you need to be real good in a particular sport or art. Have you won anything in dance, golf, whatever to prove your trackrecord?

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