Saturday, June 18, 2011

What major should I go for, pre-pharmacy, or pre-med?

What major should I go for, pre-pharmacy, or pre-med?
Im in high school and I am really confused on what major I should take in College. I am planning to attend the College of Notre Dame of Maryland in Baltimore. I'm not sure if I should study pre pharmacy or pre-med. I want something where I will make money. Im good at Math, not so much in science but Im willing to work hard. Please help me!! Any one who is a pharmacist or knows someone who is, please tell me your experience!!! Thanks!!!!!
Higher Education (University +) - 4 Answers

Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
I am in pharmacy school, and if you don't like science, you are screwed! You MUST love science...or they will be long 6 years of school. As far as med school, you will be studying science for longer time. If I were you, I'd reevaluate what you want in can make money in other ways! GOOD LUCK!

I'm pre-pharmacy. I work in a pharmacy now and i LOVE it. The customers at the store are SOO nice. However, the one I work at is not very busy so I don't have as much stress. Also, I get to learn alot of stuff from the pharmacist I work with. She lives on her own and has an amazing house. I would do what you think is right. I changed my major once before I got into this field.

Pre-med and pre-pharmacy are not majors, but are nearly identical lists of required classes which may be found on the websites of medical and pharmacy schools. Any major is acceptable. May I suggest that you consider accounting as a career. In fact, you can major in it at many universities while you take the pre-med classes and can be admitted to medical school if you do well enough in science, etc. Then you will have a back-up if you are not admitted to medical or pharmacy school.

The College of Notre Dame in Maryland is a good choice. The college is opening a School of Pharmacy, and Notre Dame students have the inside track on admission. Also Notre Dame offers cross-registration for Johns Hopkins courses. Pre-Pharmacy/Pre-Med is not a "Major" รข€” it is a series of pre-requisite Medica//Pharmacy courses students take while completing a Major. The main error of students taking "pre-med/pharmacy" is that they don't realize most of them won't make it to these schools. Their Major should be chosen to give them good career prospects if they don't make it to Medical/Pharmacy School. The best Major for this purpose at Notre Dame of Maryland is Engineering.

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