Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Which nursing school should I choose?

Which nursing school should I choose?
Hi everyone! I am from Maryland and I just got accepted to 2 nursing schools that I applied to:University of Maryland (Shady Grove) and Marymount University (BSN in nursing). Does anyone attend any of these 2? Which nursing program is better? Is University of Maryland at Shady grove has the same program as in Baltimore? Can't decide where to go!! Thanks!
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers

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Good question. It depends on what you want to do. A 2 year grad takes the same test as a 4 year grad. Go for your assoc at a tech school where you get great hands on clinicals. You will start giving IM injections your 1st or 2 nd quarter where a university BS student doesn't start clinicall until way down the road. If you want to work the floors and ICU's you want to be a tech student. If you want to go straight to administration where you do lots of paperwork you want to go straight to university BS. However, alot of places want to see at least 1 year experience on the hospital floors where you have proven your basic nursing skills. This can be a problem for BSN students who are heavy on theory and light on skill. Most students I knew wanted to be the best nurses possible. They would have been very embarrassed to be 2nd rate at starting IV's or drawing blood or assisting with chest tubes, etc.so everybody went to tech. Then once they passed the state board exams they enrolled in the university for the 3-4th year. It's cheaper this way and you get a better education.

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