Saturday, March 12, 2011

I am a biology major and i am going into the premed way. I am going to the university of maryland baltimore?

I am a biology major and i am going into the premed way. I am going to the university of maryland baltimore?
county for my first semester in college. is it a good idea to take chem101, bio 100, and calculus 2 for my first semester. My councelors keep saying i should pick two out of three but i dont know. what do you think. this school is known for its rigorous science program, so i am only allowed to take the lecture part for bio, not lab. I have to wait unitl next semester. also, if you didnt know, my first semester there is a month called ramadan and i have to lead religious prayers all night long mostly and so i was just thinking of taking calc, bio, english, and psychology. taking chem might be too much. So its either chem or calc. I could just take chem next semester. whats ur opinion. thanks so should i stick with biology lecture, calc 2, psychology of learning, and maybe an english class
Higher Education (University +) - 2 Answers

Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
DO NOT TAKE TOO MANY HARD SCIENCE CLASSES ALL AT ONCE. Your GPA is going to be EVERYTHING to you when applying to med school, do not try and do too much at once or you will get bad grades and med schools do not want that. You could ruin your chances of ever becoming a doctor if you let the gpa slip. You do not want any B or C if you can help it. You want to aim for nothing less than 4.0 and you need to structure your schedule to make it happen.

Lose the term Premed. You can't be 'pre-med' unless you get into medical school. Less than half of all QUALIFIED applicants, with bachelors/masters and docterate degrees and high gpa's get in. Therefore, if you don't get in, you were never really pre-med... Its more of a term used to denote a 'social status' saying you're pre-med is like calling your dog a pre- airline pilot. Sounds nice, but doesn't really mean anything. Your last post looks best.. biology lect, calc 2, psych, english. Most med schools require only calc 1. However, if you go up to calc 3, and take calculus based physics, you will have an advantage for the MCATs... while every other PREMED is trying to recall their algebraically derived physics formulas, you, having had calc 3 and calc based physics can derive all of your formulas. This is probably one of the reasons why engineers have one of the highest acceptance rates into medical school.

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