Friday, February 4, 2011

Would attending Johns Hopkins University give me a better chance of being admitted into their Medical School?

Would attending Johns Hopkins University give me a better chance of being admitted into their Medical School?
Would it give me a better chance of being admitted into their medical school, compared to if I attended a school like University of Maryland College Park or University of Maryland Baltimore County? This is assuming that I do extremely well in my undergrad years, no matter what school I attend [4.0 gpa, lots of community service, research experience, rigorous pre-med courses, excellent MCAT score] Please help me out.
Higher Education (University +) - 6 Answers

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They say that it doesn't affect their decision but i believe it does.

I doubt that it gives you much of an an advantage over someone from a comparable school. However, going to a good undergraduate program increases your chances of getting into a good medical school. University of Maryland is an excellent public university and Johns Hopkins is a prestigious private university. UMBC will not carry the same weight as UMD or Johns Hopkins.

Yes, Alumini status would allow you to be a preffered candidate. It will not play a significant role in your application, but it just might give you that extra boost. You still need to have an excellent GPA, MCAT's,recommendations, and essay, but you already know that.

It will give you a better chance of getting into medical school ASSUMING you maintain a high GPA. This is easier said than done at Hopkins. Just think about it--everyone there was a star in their high school classes. I'm assuming you have a very good GPA and test scores to even be considering it, but so will everyone else in your class if you go there. I understand that it can be very cutthroat, with some students even sabotaging others (stealing textbooks, giving their peers wrong answers to questions) in order to stay at the top of the curve. I have known of several very bright people who have had their dreams of medical school shattered because they couldn't hack it at a tough place like Hopkins. Not trying to scare you--just consider all factors carefully.

Looks like ure in good shape. High GPA, MCAT SCores. Do whatever you want . If u want to go to Johns Hopkins, I would go to their University. Sounds like ure a smart student, even if you applyl To Johns Hopkins Unversirty while attending University of Maryland. I bet u'll still get into the University!

Professional degree programs at institutions of higher education (IHEs) consider a wide variety of factors in accepting candidates. Certainly each had base-line standards of admission in terms of GPA, standardized test scores, etc. But know that each institution in interested in creating a divers student body with broad knowledge and interests. Clearly, you will need to have a solid background and skill set from a developed undergraduate curriculum, but 90% of the candidates to you PhD program likely have the same academic's about your passion and your desire to achieve that will matter. An IHE is going to select the candidate with a strong desire to seek out hidden answers, to reach a new level of personal care, to excel and work hard each and every time over the candidate who just wants to get rich. The thing that might set you apart from other equally qualified candidates could be your stellar achievements in a hobby, or perhaps the community service work you enjoy. Don't worry too much about WHERE you go, what makes candidates unique is WHAT they did with the time they had. Harvard Grad who partied her butt off and did the bare minimum vs State School with accolades from community partners, proud professors, a solid internship and a cool hobby. the latter wins every time.

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