Tuesday, February 8, 2011

I'm looking for an acting agency or program to participate in Baltimore, Maryland?

I'm looking for an acting agency or program to participate in Baltimore, Maryland?
Ever since I took a drama class in high school, I've always looked up into acting. Many of my friends think I should get into it and I'm searching for agencies or programs I could get involved in. Any suggestions? I've checked that there is a John Robert Powers here in Baltimore, but researching through the net, I've saw the complaints from others saying it is a scam. If you encountered their scam, I would love to hear your story. I want to look for legit agencies and programs. I'm taking my passion seriously and I need to search for a real agency or program
Theater & Acting - 1 Answers

Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
I worked with John Casablancas for about two years, it's an amazing school and there are some notable people that came from it. They work really well with you, I found out the whole thing wasn't for me, but coming out of it you have so much experience and you feel ready for anything. http://www.johncasablancasct.com/requestinfo/

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