Wednesday, February 16, 2011

What should I bring on my school trip?

What should I bring on my school trip?
Wendsay, I am leaving for Washington, D.C, Baltimore, Maryland, and Virginia and I have thought on alot of things to bring like my nintendo ds, PSP, and Laptop and of course clothes but is there anymore things that are interesting to bring when I get bored on the bus, P.S: I need something me and my friends can enjoy
Packing & Preparation - 2 Answers

Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
If you are traveling by bus then space might be a problem. Personally I find that when I pack a ton of stuff to do (like when I travel 8+ hours by plane) I don't even use half of it and I'm totally cramped in my seat. The laptop gets very heavy and after awhile I get really irritable carrying all that stuff. The other day I saw (in Staples) tiny books that have word games like sudoku and hangman, etc. that you and your friends could do. Don't forget, if you're going to a new place, you might not be as bored as you think, it sounds like you will have a lot of fun because it's a new experience. Have a great time and good luck!

i wouldn't bring both your DS and PSP..choose one or the either. if i were you, i'd bring a laptop and camera. i'm pretty sure there are interesting things to see/do on the bus, and plus, some people get sick from reading on the bus

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