Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Why aim for the stars when you can barely touch the clouds?

Why aim for the stars when you can barely touch the clouds?
I'm a sixteen year old girl from Baltimore Maryland, and growing up I've always heard kids saying they wanted to become the biggest and the best. Music producers, singers, song writers, actors, models. You name it. Realistically speaking when you're roaming the streets of Baltimore City and deliberately missing school, you probably can't even begin to comprehend the obstacles that it takes to get anywhere near that "dream." I just want to become a police officer, or school teacher or nurse; whereas everyone else I know is trying to aim for the stars when they can barely touch the clouds. Why is this?
Other - Social Science - 2 Answers

Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
Maybe because it's easier to work towards a short-term goal which you might not really want if you see it as a stepping stone to your dream job? At some point, these people might have to make do with the reality of where they can get in life. But perhaps the dream will make them try harder than they would without it.

Just to start an argument I believe school isn't the biggest priority. An education is usually best for people but your well being is much more important. Going to school will most likely open more opportunities for you to reach a dream then the latter. Many people dream big because it is simply something to aspire about and keep their spirits up. Later on in life I have to say people get their dreams crushed by reality. I won't be the person to tell anyone you can't do something but there will be someone sooner or later to get in your way. Dreaming to be "great" isn't such a bad thing as it can give you the confidence and will to do better than you would normally do even going to the extent as being able to change a mindset. This would would be nothing without police and a medical field so people shouldn't think that just because you want to be in law enforcement doesn't mean it isn't a great dream to YOU. Everyone sees things differently. I hope this helped you a little. ^-^

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