Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Should I choose Howard University, University of Baltimore/Towson, or University of Maryland for an MBA?

Should I choose Howard University, University of Baltimore/Towson, or University of Maryland for an MBA?
All 3 are AACSB accred. so I think they are all good. The biggest difference is the time & cost. For part-time, MD and Howard both require 54 cr., 3 yrs, class 2-4 days a week, & $30K+. Baltimore would only be 33 cr. since I can get 21 cr. waived due to my BS. I can finish in less than 2 years going to school once a week and doing online classes and it would cost much less. I'm doing my BS. full time while working a full-time job so I don't mind a lot of work. BUT I have a son and feel like I'm neglecting him when I'm in class all week. Plus, my hubby and I want another child so I'm sure Howard and Maryland would be quite a challenge with a job and 2 young kids. At least with Baltimore I can do classes online if I needed to. My job will pay most of my tuition at MD and Baltimore but none at Howard. My GPA is a 3.89 so I'm sure I can get scholarships but not 30K+! What's a girl to do? I really want Howard but is it worth all the time and $$$? Should I just go to Baltimore?
Higher Education (University +) - 2 Answers

Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
University of Maryland! Its also one of the top 10 colleges for partying.

An MBA is a degree where the quality of the institution is extremely important. Graduates of top MBA programs will earn more money and get better jobs than someone who goes to an unranked school -- even if they learn as much as they would at a top school. The University of Maryland is a top 30 B-School and the other three are unranked. In some areas (finance in particular) it is ranked even higher. The good news for you is that you can take all your classes at the University of Maryland's Baltimore campus. Students at the Baltimore campus take the same classes and have the same professors as the daytime program -- so the degree there carries the same weight as the daytime program. I know this because I was a visiting professor at U of MD a few years ago, and taught the same class on different campuses. In my mind, U of MD completely dominates your other choices. Good luck.

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