Monday, June 6, 2011

phenomenal football talent what could i do to insure i get recruited for college football to play fall 2010?

phenomenal football talent what could i do to insure i get recruited for college football to play fall 2010?
I live in baltimore maryland i have numerous football awards for my talent however i am in college looking for a home to play football but my school doesnt have a team. How can i get recruited
Football (American) - 7 Answers

Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
GET TO THE COMBINE!! That's where the top colleges recruit from. Get exposure so that the colleges know you exist before you turn into Al Bundy!

Get real. However, take those "numerous football awards for your talent" (LMAO) and show them to Joe Paterno or Urban Meyer or Lane Kiffen and they'll give you a scholarship right away. You're pathetic.


send a youtube video to college coaches they LOVE it when you send bad quality videos that look faked. it helps them sympathize with you and see your talent

If you didnt get recruited out of high school, then no offense but your talent must not be all too phenomenal bud The best players get scouted and recruited by college programs, my talent was nowhere near phenomal and I got recruited by a D-3 school

well this sounds to me like EPIC FAIL material. Not sure what you can do

Be careful you don't ruin your shoulders from patting yourself on the back. then no team ould want you. Sarge

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