Monday, May 30, 2011

Why do people forget Maryland is a Southern State?

Why do people forget Maryland is a Southern State?
okay i grew up in an area of Maryland where we were very southern and i was raised southern belle. Then i moved into the city of Baltimore and it was completely different. When i tell people i want to go to school south of the mason dixon line they look at me and go "so you don't want to go to college in Maryland?" even Maryland is different! Can anyone provide help for why Maryland is lost in origins? yea just a little note to that first guy the southern culture i was talking about is more sophisticated and at my school we are constantly being told that we should say ma'am and sir but no one here seems to do it
Other - Society & Culture - 6 Answers

Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
MD has a level of sophistication and refinement so out of line with the rest of the South it "passes" as a northern state.

Because it's so close to "up north" and the Mason Dixon Line runs through it. It's no surprise that people would be confused about it. Further, big cities tend to be entities of their own rather than conforming to the culture around it. Orlando, for instance, with so many people from around the country doesn't seem to me like a "Southern" city, but it is.

Well it's mainly a Mid atlantic state. It can be both North and South. Southern MD and parts of Eatern MD are Southern-like. Whereas Carroll, Frederick, Washington, Hartford, & Baltimore counties are more North-like. The DC area is also a bit of a mix. Even Northern VA is very Maryland-like. Some parts feels more South and some feels more North.

People forget because it snows like crazy there and it's really not what you think when you think southern... If you can make me a good pitcher or sweet tea that tastes like in the South, then I will spread the word that MD is southern.

I live in Michigan and people tend to forget that we are part of the mid-west. Go figure...

I was looking online for some maryland slogans, and one came up for Baltimore: " The northernmost city of the south, and the southernmost city of the north". I guess since it is right in the middle, the technicality seems to have been forgotten. Also, even though I am from Baltimore City (born and raised), I think that most of the city is not up very high on the intelligence meter, which may be why they said that to you, but good luck with your schooling, and don't get caught up in any of the shooting waves that have been happening over the past few days (15 shootings and 9 stabbings in 2 days!!!).

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