Friday, May 6, 2011

finish my current degree in a 1.5 years at my current school or start fresh from a new more reputable school?

finish my current degree in a 1.5 years at my current school or start fresh from a new more reputable school?
i am currently attending UMUC(university of maryland university college). I can finish my current degree program (computer science/information technology) in a year and a half. The problem is that UMUC is not a very good school and I don't think I will be able to get a job when I am finished. Another problem is that I am not really learing anything. The school is filled with a bunch of bad instructors and care only about their paychecks and not teaching anyone. I have no work experience in the computers and I am now 27 so I am not getting any younger. However, I now I have a chance at attending UMBC(University of Maryland Baltimore County) which is a more reputable school. The bad thing is almost none of my credits from UMUC will transfer. So I am pretty much looking at starting from scratch and doing another 4 years. But a dregree from UMBC is a lot more valuable and I will get a much better education. Some people I have talked too said finish my current degree (umuc) and go straight into graduate school. However I will feel so unprepared and whatever masters degree program I enroll at I think I will struggle. Others say I should look for an internship and get some kind of work experience and continue with my current degree and I will be able to find a job regardless of what school I graduate from. SO, should I continure with my current bad degree or go to a different but better school and start from 0?
Higher Education (University +) - 4 Answers

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I truly understand your dilemma however I must agree with the advice to finish your degree. Are you paying for this education? If so, why would you waste all that time and money? In addition, I take mostly online classes and you have to do 90% of the work on your own. You cannot rely on teachers in any university, they are there to guide you however the responsibility to learn is on you. If you are having difficulty with the material then you need to seek out resources to help yourself. Are you working? If not, you should seek out an internship or employment of some sort in the field you are interested in so you can gain some practical knowledge. I do not mean to sound harsh but as you stated you are 27 and you have no time to waste. You need to get with the program now and forget about bad degree there is no such thing. Most employers are more concerned with what you have learned and the skills you bring to the table not your "pedigree". You have absolutely no time to go back, stop looking back. Start killing the books and dig in a bit deeper into whatever knowledge base is available to you. Seek out an internship or something so you can relate to what you are studying. Listen to some Dave Ramsey radio shows and start motivating yourself to achieving your goals. I am praying that you will take wise counsel from those around you and change your attitude. This thing about bad colleges is nonsense. There are people in some countries that would do anything for a drop of education and they would do great with it too. It's too late to go back now do the best with what you have. Find a job that will help to pay for your graduate degree if you need to have one. I am positive if you search you will find someone from UMUC who has graduated from the same program and is doing well. Come on, you can do this, go get it done. Move forward with a more positive attitude. Your future kids are depending on you to get this done so you can provide for them so get going now. I have no doubt you will be successful if you stick to your goals and stop listening to people about bad degree and good degree. Do not start from ground zero, it will be a mistake which will be costly. Time is more valuable than money. You can do this! Per Dave Ramsey: We hire people here every day, and where they went to college is a VERY MINOR blip on the radar.

finish at UMUC and try to get into a graduate program from a respectable program. Where you go to college matters, but as you progress in your career, it plays less and less of a role.

Really, you need to finish this degree and go to graduate school. Even a lower level one. You will be better off in the long run. As well,college is what you make of it. You may not be learning as much as you expect because you still have a high school mentality. College is about giving you only a bare framework and it is up to you to fill in the details on your own.

Isn't UMUC a community college? you can't go to grad school with a degree from a community college.

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