Saturday, May 14, 2011

Will I be able to get into University of Maryland College Park and University of Maryland Baltimore County?

Will I be able to get into University of Maryland College Park and University of Maryland Baltimore County?
im a high school senior that lives in maryland, im applying to early action for both schools i have a 1940 SAT score Math-680 reading- 630 writing- 630 i have a 3.68 unweighted GPA and a 4.2 weighted GPA I have taken 3 APs (AP Gov and Politics, AP Lang, AP Bio) and im currently taking 3 right now (AP Chem, AP Lit, AP Calc AB) I was manager of the volleyball team one year, and part of the boys varsity my junior year i am in the national honors society and secretary of the science national honors society, I am vice president of the NETS club in my school (its a club that helps distribute ant-malaria nets in africa to prevent the spread of malaria), I am also in the Key Club (community service club) I have 250+ community service hours at my local hospital and i currently intern at a dental office Im not sure about my class rank but im pretty sure im in top 25% at least i plan on majoring in biology or biochemistry and go to medical school also do you think i will also be able to get into the honors programs in UMD and UMBC as well? thank you
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers

Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
I think you have a very decent chance of getting into both universities and most likely you will get in. Your scores are certainly high enough. However the honors program at UMD is very competitive and the middle 50th percentile scored between a 1340-1410. Don't get discouraged though, there is still a very decent chance you can make honors. There also apparently is something called College Park scholars which has a middle 50 of 1300-1410. Consider that too. As for UMBC, they recommend a 1400 combined on CR and Math, so your chances there may not be as high.

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