Monday, May 16, 2011

Is this a good high school schedule for college and dental school?

Is this a good high school schedule for college and dental school?
Hello, I am 15 years old. This coming up school year I will be a Freshman in High School. I want tobe an orthodontist or dentist. I know you need to take biology and chemistry and other sciecne classes to be a dentsit. I have made my schedules for high school with the classes they offer at my highschool. I posted it at the bottom of this page. These classes may change depending over the years. The high school i am attendning may remove these classes i wish to take through out the years. In addition these are the type of classes i plan to take to prepare me for college and dental school in high school. Im also migh take a health occupation class my junior and senior year of high school outside of my high school schedule and classes. It just depends on my work load, family, friends, and social life and if they still offer the class at the time i can take it. I figure it would be a good class to take to prepare me for certain things.In college I want to major in Biology or Chemistry. Whichever more interest me and I do better in. I also would like to know good colleges that have a wonderful science field and reputation. I live in Martinsburg West Virgina. I want to go to a college close to where my parents are. I want to see them as much as possible. The closet university near me is Shepard University. Its like fifteen minutes away. Shepard University would be perfect cause of its location but im not sure if it has a nice reputation and good science fiel and a good college that would look good when I apply to dental school. I also have considered West Virginia University. Its just the location that doesnt suit me. Its four hours away. And out of state colleges i like are Pennstate and University of Maryland. The problem with out of state colleges are most scholarship aids will not give you a scholarship to go to an out of state college as im told. Please name good colleges that are closest to where I live, have a good science field, a nice reputation, a college dental schools would like, and a college that is over all a nice college. A wonderful acedemic reputation and will benifit me and teach me very much for dental school and many other things. I would really like to go to shepard university, get my bachelors degree majoring in biology and go to West Virgina university school of dentistry or Baltimore school of dentisry. Please name colleges and dental schools with the preferences and details I have listed. Also what type of classes do you take in college besides biology and chemistry to major in biology and chemistry. It would be wonderful for a biology or chemistry major to post there college classes they took. In conclusion does the schedules at the bottom of this page look good if you want to be a dentist, what are good colleges near Martinsburg West Virginia with a good science field or just an over all good college ( by close i mean no loner then a five hour drive), and a pre dent program would be wonderful. Freshman Schedule 1.Algebra I honors 2.English 9 honors 3.Physical Science 9 4.World History 9 5.Health 9 6.Spanish I 7.Art I Sophomore Schedule 1.Geometry or Geometry honors 2.English 10 or English 10 honors 3.Biology or Biology Honors 4.United States History I 5.Spanish II 6.Building English Vocabulary skills (1/2 credit) & Basic Keyboarding (1/2 credit) 7.Creative Writing I Junior Schedule 1.Algebra II or Algebra II Honors 2.English Language Arts 11 or English Language Arts 11 Honors or AP English Language and Composition 3.Chemistry or Chemistry Honors 4.United States History II 5.Spanish III 6.Environmental Earth Science 7.Creative Writing II Senior Schedule 1.Trigonometry 2.English Language Arts 12 or English Language Arts 12 Honors or AP English Literature and composition 3.AP Chemistry or AP Biology or Physics 4.Civics and Government 5.Spanish IV 6.Microbiology 7.Human Anatomy and Physiology
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers

Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
It looks really good, but I would take all the honors classes. It looks better and may even help you get scholarships. Also, you may change your mind so it's better to be safe than sorry.

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