Why do people forget Maryland is a Southern State?
okay i grew up in an area of Maryland where we were very southern and i was raised southern belle. Then i moved into the city of Baltimore and it was completely different. When i tell people i want to go to school south of the mason dixon line they look at me and go "so you don't want to go to college in Maryland?" even Maryland is different! Can anyone provide help for why Maryland is lost in origins? yea just a little note to that first guy the southern culture i was talking about is more sophisticated and at my school we are constantly being told that we should say ma'am and sir but no one here seems to do it
Other - Society & Culture - 6 Answers
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MD has a level of sophistication and refinement so out of line with the rest of the South it "passes" as a northern state.
Because it's so close to "up north" and the Mason Dixon Line runs through it. It's no surprise that people would be confused about it. Further, big cities tend to be entities of their own rather than conforming to the culture around it. Orlando, for instance, with so many people from around the country doesn't seem to me like a "Southern" city, but it is.
Well it's mainly a Mid atlantic state. It can be both North and South. Southern MD and parts of Eatern MD are Southern-like. Whereas Carroll, Frederick, Washington, Hartford, & Baltimore counties are more North-like. The DC area is also a bit of a mix. Even Northern VA is very Maryland-like. Some parts feels more South and some feels more North.
People forget because it snows like crazy there and it's really not what you think when you think southern... If you can make me a good pitcher or sweet tea that tastes like in the South, then I will spread the word that MD is southern.
I live in Michigan and people tend to forget that we are part of the mid-west. Go figure...
I was looking online for some maryland slogans, and one came up for Baltimore: " The northernmost city of the south, and the southernmost city of the north". I guess since it is right in the middle, the technicality seems to have been forgotten. Also, even though I am from Baltimore City (born and raised), I think that most of the city is not up very high on the intelligence meter, which may be why they said that to you, but good luck with your schooling, and don't get caught up in any of the shooting waves that have been happening over the past few days (15 shootings and 9 stabbings in 2 days!!!).
Monday, May 30, 2011
Saturday, May 28, 2011
i live in baltimore maryland .. In the city.. i want to know what my gpa has to be to get into dumbar highschool..and i also want a list of good schools help please
Primary & Secondary Education - 1 Answers
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You didnt put your gpa in ^^;
i live in baltimore maryland .. In the city.. i want to know what my gpa has to be to get into dumbar highschool..and i also want a list of good schools help please
Primary & Secondary Education - 1 Answers
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You didnt put your gpa in ^^;
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Is Patterson high school is a good school or not?
Is Patterson high school is a good school or not?
Its in Baltimore Maryland
Primary & Secondary Education - 2 Answers
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apparently not http://www.greatschools.net/modperl/browse_school/md/267
Hell no. I went to the link he posted and the school is rated a 2/10. Horrible school :P.
Its in Baltimore Maryland
Primary & Secondary Education - 2 Answers
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apparently not http://www.greatschools.net/modperl/browse_school/md/267
Hell no. I went to the link he posted and the school is rated a 2/10. Horrible school :P.
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
getting accepted into a highly ranked medical school with a bachelors from a not so highly ranked school?
getting accepted into a highly ranked medical school with a bachelors from a not so highly ranked school?
I never really gave much thought to my future and grades until I got into college. I did not study at all for my SATs and did not give much thought about the classes that I took in high school. I applied to both university of maryland baltimore county (UMBC) and university of maryland college park and was accepted into both. i decided to attend UMBC because I got a scholarship. Now I am one of the most motivated people that I know. I got a 4.0 GPA and great extracurricular activities my freshman year. I will keep it up and do the absolute best that I can to become a doctor. So my question is, if I keep the high GPA, keep the great extracurriculars going, do amazing on the MCAT by studying my butt off and do great in everything else, will I be able to be accepted into medical schools like UNC chapel hill, UT southwestern, Baylor, Washing U in seattle, U of chicago, etc even though UMBC is not as renowned for its academic credentials and does not have a national standing?
Higher Education (University +) - 3 Answers
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Its possible. UTMB and Baylor are all about the students' achievement and ability to retain you. Some of their students go to community colleges and later transfer there. However once inside its extremely competitive.
You will have a chance if your MCAT is high, some schools might be bias about your GPA because of your school, but if your MCAT is good they will look at you.
You got into UMBC on a scholarship and you hadn't given much thought about your grades and now you're pulling a 4.0? Very nice, clearly you have intelligence. Now, don't do something stupid like applying to a 'highly ranked' school. If you knew how schools were ranked, you wouldn't bother. There are two ranking processes: US News and World Report and the National Institute of Health. The US News criteria contain so many non-education issues that the Association of American Medical Colleges is trying to get them to stop. But if you think the number of parking spaces makes one school better than the other, then go ahead and select a school by their criteria. The NIH ranking system is based on the research dollars alloted to the school and number of Medicare/Medicaid patients treated. All medical schools are accredited by the LCME, which monitors every class at every school. If there is a significant change, either good or bad, inquiries are made. This assures that regardless of where you are educated, the end product is the same. So you can $16,000 a semester at a state university medical school or you can pay $50,000 a semester at a Big Name school--in the end, you'll get the same MD. Any idea of why the Harvards and Johns Hopkins of the world are considered "Big Name" schools versus the George Washingtons or Virginia Medical College? It has nothing to do with the medical school (again, the LCME assures that the education in all is equivalent). The reputations come from the residency programs and the medical centers that are aligned with the school. And once you get into medicine you'll understand that residency programs and medical centers have nothing--zilch--nada--to do with the medical school. When you begin to think about it, if schools like Johns Hopkins were so superior, only Johns Hopkins graduates would be considered for residencies at Hopkins. I worked at Hopkins for years and I can attest that very few Hopkins graduates were in the Hopkins residency programs. Once you get into medical school and begin to learn the ropes, you'll learn that where you did your undergrad doesn't matter. Once you get into a residency program you'll learn that where you went to medical school doesn't matter. All that does matter is where you did your residency. And residency program rankings do matter. And you're going to be surprised that many of the higher ranked residency programs are not at the Big Name programs. For example, there are two institutions that are world renowned for their Emergency Medicine residencies. They are equally ranked. One is UCLA, the other is your alma mater, the University of Maryland. Save yourself a hundred grand in student loan debt and stay within your university system until you select a specialty to practice. Then select the best residency program--if it is at a Big Name program that's okay. If it's at a lesser known program, no problem--everyone who cares will know you attended the better program.
Sunday, May 22, 2011
School in York, England?
School in York, England?
I just turned 17 and I'm going into 12th grade this year. Once I graduate I planning to go to college in another country, obviously. Right now I live in Baltimore, Maryland, US. I've been looking at colleges since winter last year and recently I've had my mind set on going to school in another country. Preferably the UK. I've been looking at a bunch of schools and I really, really like The University Of York! I've been trying to get good information for an hour or so, but I figured I'd just ask myself. Could any one give me any tips?! Like, is it a real hard thing to do? Is it super expensive? Am I just totally dreaming here? Anything would be SO appreciated (:
Other - United Kingdom - 1 Answers
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I think that it is going to remain a dream for you. Of course if mummy and daddy have pots of money. Dreams can come true. York is one of my favourite cities. It has a wealth of history and the University is good. As a foreign student, you can live and do some work, but what you would earn would not cover the expense of the education and accommodation costs. Dare I say, even if you could get a job... Just renting a room in a shared house will cost you at least $75-$100 a week and you will probably also have to share the costs of utilities (gas-water-electric) and eat. If you do get accepted as a student, you would need to meet the cost of your studies too. The fees depend on the subject but they are quoting £3250 a year and with the exchange rate as it is That is over $5000. That means you will need a minimum of $30,000 to do a three year course and live very frugally during that time.
I just turned 17 and I'm going into 12th grade this year. Once I graduate I planning to go to college in another country, obviously. Right now I live in Baltimore, Maryland, US. I've been looking at colleges since winter last year and recently I've had my mind set on going to school in another country. Preferably the UK. I've been looking at a bunch of schools and I really, really like The University Of York! I've been trying to get good information for an hour or so, but I figured I'd just ask myself. Could any one give me any tips?! Like, is it a real hard thing to do? Is it super expensive? Am I just totally dreaming here? Anything would be SO appreciated (:
Other - United Kingdom - 1 Answers
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I think that it is going to remain a dream for you. Of course if mummy and daddy have pots of money. Dreams can come true. York is one of my favourite cities. It has a wealth of history and the University is good. As a foreign student, you can live and do some work, but what you would earn would not cover the expense of the education and accommodation costs. Dare I say, even if you could get a job... Just renting a room in a shared house will cost you at least $75-$100 a week and you will probably also have to share the costs of utilities (gas-water-electric) and eat. If you do get accepted as a student, you would need to meet the cost of your studies too. The fees depend on the subject but they are quoting £3250 a year and with the exchange rate as it is That is over $5000. That means you will need a minimum of $30,000 to do a three year course and live very frugally during that time.
Friday, May 20, 2011
Do you think Baltimore's State's Attorney is in the wrong line of work with their racial attitudes?
Do you think Baltimore's State's Attorney is in the wrong line of work with their racial attitudes?
Patricia Coats Jessamy is the State's Attorney for Baltimore, Maryland. She is Black, one of the first Black students to graduate the law school at University of Mississippi where she is originally from. Anyway, she has the following view about the racial makeup of Baltimore's defendants- "It causes "a pain in my heart," she says, to see black men in shackles and chains lined up each morning outside Baltimore's Clarence M. Mitchell Jr. Courthouse, named for a civil rights leader." Now I am not saying she should have the mentality of a KKK member but I am saying that if she sees a problem in prosecuting Black men, she needs to work in a city like Billings, Montana, or Casper, Wyoming where there are few if any Black defendents period. My point is I think she is in the wrong line of work with a view like that considering that almost all of those who go court for felonies such as homicide, armed robbery, and narcotics violations in Baltimore specifically are Black men. My point is this, one shouldn't take a prosecutor's position if they let their racial views get on the job, especially if their views can influence the way the vast majority of defendants are handled.
Law Enforcement & Police - 1 Answers
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She has these views because 90% of criminals are black, an she don't like it brother.
Patricia Coats Jessamy is the State's Attorney for Baltimore, Maryland. She is Black, one of the first Black students to graduate the law school at University of Mississippi where she is originally from. Anyway, she has the following view about the racial makeup of Baltimore's defendants- "It causes "a pain in my heart," she says, to see black men in shackles and chains lined up each morning outside Baltimore's Clarence M. Mitchell Jr. Courthouse, named for a civil rights leader." Now I am not saying she should have the mentality of a KKK member but I am saying that if she sees a problem in prosecuting Black men, she needs to work in a city like Billings, Montana, or Casper, Wyoming where there are few if any Black defendents period. My point is I think she is in the wrong line of work with a view like that considering that almost all of those who go court for felonies such as homicide, armed robbery, and narcotics violations in Baltimore specifically are Black men. My point is this, one shouldn't take a prosecutor's position if they let their racial views get on the job, especially if their views can influence the way the vast majority of defendants are handled.
Law Enforcement & Police - 1 Answers
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She has these views because 90% of criminals are black, an she don't like it brother.
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
School in York, England?
School in York, England?
I just turned 17 and I'm going into 12th grade this year. Once I graduate I planning to go to college in another country, obviously. Right now I live in Baltimore, Maryland, US. I've been looking at colleges since winter last year and recently I've had my mind set on going to school in another country. Preferably the UK. I've been looking at a bunch of schools and I really, really like The University Of York! I've been trying to get good information for an hour or so, but I figured I'd just ask myself. Could any one give me any tips?! Like, is it a real hard thing to do? Is it super expensive? Am I just totally dreaming here? Anything would be SO appreciated (:
Studying Abroad - 2 Answers
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Umm are you asking if it's really hard to get into the University of York? It shouldn't be too difficult...I'm not sure what qualifications you have (AP, IB etc.) but look here for the marks required (they might not have AP requirements, but you'll get an idea of what they expect just by looking at the A-level or IB requirements). SAT may be required: http://search.ucas.com/cgi-bin/hsrun/search/search/StateId/D7MCww_2Lo_ADm5abHyafKHiV5Hf3-4zHK/HAHTpage/search.HsSearch.submitForm?txtSubject=&cmbQual=&cmbAttend=&cmbInst=Y50&button1.x=23&button1.y=15 I'm not sure what subject you want to study, so I only gave you the link for the UCAS list on York. Click your subject of interest, and it will tell you everything about its program. Tuition is about 10,300-13,800 pounds depending on the program. I believe living is about 7,000 pounds. Personally, I don't feel that there is a need to study in England if you are from the US because most universities there are better and more internationally recognized than the York (with exception of Oxbridge and the constituents of the University of London). But, if you want to live in England in the future, do study in England instead of the US.
I just turned 17 and I'm going into 12th grade this year. Once I graduate I planning to go to college in another country, obviously. Right now I live in Baltimore, Maryland, US. I've been looking at colleges since winter last year and recently I've had my mind set on going to school in another country. Preferably the UK. I've been looking at a bunch of schools and I really, really like The University Of York! I've been trying to get good information for an hour or so, but I figured I'd just ask myself. Could any one give me any tips?! Like, is it a real hard thing to do? Is it super expensive? Am I just totally dreaming here? Anything would be SO appreciated (:
Studying Abroad - 2 Answers
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Umm are you asking if it's really hard to get into the University of York? It shouldn't be too difficult...I'm not sure what qualifications you have (AP, IB etc.) but look here for the marks required (they might not have AP requirements, but you'll get an idea of what they expect just by looking at the A-level or IB requirements). SAT may be required: http://search.ucas.com/cgi-bin/hsrun/search/search/StateId/D7MCww_2Lo_ADm5abHyafKHiV5Hf3-4zHK/HAHTpage/search.HsSearch.submitForm?txtSubject=&cmbQual=&cmbAttend=&cmbInst=Y50&button1.x=23&button1.y=15 I'm not sure what subject you want to study, so I only gave you the link for the UCAS list on York. Click your subject of interest, and it will tell you everything about its program. Tuition is about 10,300-13,800 pounds depending on the program. I believe living is about 7,000 pounds. Personally, I don't feel that there is a need to study in England if you are from the US because most universities there are better and more internationally recognized than the York (with exception of Oxbridge and the constituents of the University of London). But, if you want to live in England in the future, do study in England instead of the US.
Monday, May 16, 2011
Is this a good high school schedule for college and dental school?
Is this a good high school schedule for college and dental school?
Hello, I am 15 years old. This coming up school year I will be a Freshman in High School. I want tobe an orthodontist or dentist. I know you need to take biology and chemistry and other sciecne classes to be a dentsit. I have made my schedules for high school with the classes they offer at my highschool. I posted it at the bottom of this page. These classes may change depending over the years. The high school i am attendning may remove these classes i wish to take through out the years. In addition these are the type of classes i plan to take to prepare me for college and dental school in high school. Im also migh take a health occupation class my junior and senior year of high school outside of my high school schedule and classes. It just depends on my work load, family, friends, and social life and if they still offer the class at the time i can take it. I figure it would be a good class to take to prepare me for certain things.In college I want to major in Biology or Chemistry. Whichever more interest me and I do better in. I also would like to know good colleges that have a wonderful science field and reputation. I live in Martinsburg West Virgina. I want to go to a college close to where my parents are. I want to see them as much as possible. The closet university near me is Shepard University. Its like fifteen minutes away. Shepard University would be perfect cause of its location but im not sure if it has a nice reputation and good science fiel and a good college that would look good when I apply to dental school. I also have considered West Virginia University. Its just the location that doesnt suit me. Its four hours away. And out of state colleges i like are Pennstate and University of Maryland. The problem with out of state colleges are most scholarship aids will not give you a scholarship to go to an out of state college as im told. Please name good colleges that are closest to where I live, have a good science field, a nice reputation, a college dental schools would like, and a college that is over all a nice college. A wonderful acedemic reputation and will benifit me and teach me very much for dental school and many other things. I would really like to go to shepard university, get my bachelors degree majoring in biology and go to West Virgina university school of dentistry or Baltimore school of dentisry. Please name colleges and dental schools with the preferences and details I have listed. Also what type of classes do you take in college besides biology and chemistry to major in biology and chemistry. It would be wonderful for a biology or chemistry major to post there college classes they took. In conclusion does the schedules at the bottom of this page look good if you want to be a dentist, what are good colleges near Martinsburg West Virginia with a good science field or just an over all good college ( by close i mean no loner then a five hour drive), and a pre dent program would be wonderful. Freshman Schedule 1.Algebra I honors 2.English 9 honors 3.Physical Science 9 4.World History 9 5.Health 9 6.Spanish I 7.Art I Sophomore Schedule 1.Geometry or Geometry honors 2.English 10 or English 10 honors 3.Biology or Biology Honors 4.United States History I 5.Spanish II 6.Building English Vocabulary skills (1/2 credit) & Basic Keyboarding (1/2 credit) 7.Creative Writing I Junior Schedule 1.Algebra II or Algebra II Honors 2.English Language Arts 11 or English Language Arts 11 Honors or AP English Language and Composition 3.Chemistry or Chemistry Honors 4.United States History II 5.Spanish III 6.Environmental Earth Science 7.Creative Writing II Senior Schedule 1.Trigonometry 2.English Language Arts 12 or English Language Arts 12 Honors or AP English Literature and composition 3.AP Chemistry or AP Biology or Physics 4.Civics and Government 5.Spanish IV 6.Microbiology 7.Human Anatomy and Physiology
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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It looks really good, but I would take all the honors classes. It looks better and may even help you get scholarships. Also, you may change your mind so it's better to be safe than sorry.
Hello, I am 15 years old. This coming up school year I will be a Freshman in High School. I want tobe an orthodontist or dentist. I know you need to take biology and chemistry and other sciecne classes to be a dentsit. I have made my schedules for high school with the classes they offer at my highschool. I posted it at the bottom of this page. These classes may change depending over the years. The high school i am attendning may remove these classes i wish to take through out the years. In addition these are the type of classes i plan to take to prepare me for college and dental school in high school. Im also migh take a health occupation class my junior and senior year of high school outside of my high school schedule and classes. It just depends on my work load, family, friends, and social life and if they still offer the class at the time i can take it. I figure it would be a good class to take to prepare me for certain things.In college I want to major in Biology or Chemistry. Whichever more interest me and I do better in. I also would like to know good colleges that have a wonderful science field and reputation. I live in Martinsburg West Virgina. I want to go to a college close to where my parents are. I want to see them as much as possible. The closet university near me is Shepard University. Its like fifteen minutes away. Shepard University would be perfect cause of its location but im not sure if it has a nice reputation and good science fiel and a good college that would look good when I apply to dental school. I also have considered West Virginia University. Its just the location that doesnt suit me. Its four hours away. And out of state colleges i like are Pennstate and University of Maryland. The problem with out of state colleges are most scholarship aids will not give you a scholarship to go to an out of state college as im told. Please name good colleges that are closest to where I live, have a good science field, a nice reputation, a college dental schools would like, and a college that is over all a nice college. A wonderful acedemic reputation and will benifit me and teach me very much for dental school and many other things. I would really like to go to shepard university, get my bachelors degree majoring in biology and go to West Virgina university school of dentistry or Baltimore school of dentisry. Please name colleges and dental schools with the preferences and details I have listed. Also what type of classes do you take in college besides biology and chemistry to major in biology and chemistry. It would be wonderful for a biology or chemistry major to post there college classes they took. In conclusion does the schedules at the bottom of this page look good if you want to be a dentist, what are good colleges near Martinsburg West Virginia with a good science field or just an over all good college ( by close i mean no loner then a five hour drive), and a pre dent program would be wonderful. Freshman Schedule 1.Algebra I honors 2.English 9 honors 3.Physical Science 9 4.World History 9 5.Health 9 6.Spanish I 7.Art I Sophomore Schedule 1.Geometry or Geometry honors 2.English 10 or English 10 honors 3.Biology or Biology Honors 4.United States History I 5.Spanish II 6.Building English Vocabulary skills (1/2 credit) & Basic Keyboarding (1/2 credit) 7.Creative Writing I Junior Schedule 1.Algebra II or Algebra II Honors 2.English Language Arts 11 or English Language Arts 11 Honors or AP English Language and Composition 3.Chemistry or Chemistry Honors 4.United States History II 5.Spanish III 6.Environmental Earth Science 7.Creative Writing II Senior Schedule 1.Trigonometry 2.English Language Arts 12 or English Language Arts 12 Honors or AP English Literature and composition 3.AP Chemistry or AP Biology or Physics 4.Civics and Government 5.Spanish IV 6.Microbiology 7.Human Anatomy and Physiology
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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It looks really good, but I would take all the honors classes. It looks better and may even help you get scholarships. Also, you may change your mind so it's better to be safe than sorry.
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Will I be able to get into University of Maryland College Park and University of Maryland Baltimore County?
Will I be able to get into University of Maryland College Park and University of Maryland Baltimore County?
im a high school senior that lives in maryland, im applying to early action for both schools i have a 1940 SAT score Math-680 reading- 630 writing- 630 i have a 3.68 unweighted GPA and a 4.2 weighted GPA I have taken 3 APs (AP Gov and Politics, AP Lang, AP Bio) and im currently taking 3 right now (AP Chem, AP Lit, AP Calc AB) I was manager of the volleyball team one year, and part of the boys varsity my junior year i am in the national honors society and secretary of the science national honors society, I am vice president of the NETS club in my school (its a club that helps distribute ant-malaria nets in africa to prevent the spread of malaria), I am also in the Key Club (community service club) I have 250+ community service hours at my local hospital and i currently intern at a dental office Im not sure about my class rank but im pretty sure im in top 25% at least i plan on majoring in biology or biochemistry and go to medical school also do you think i will also be able to get into the honors programs in UMD and UMBC as well? thank you
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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I think you have a very decent chance of getting into both universities and most likely you will get in. Your scores are certainly high enough. However the honors program at UMD is very competitive and the middle 50th percentile scored between a 1340-1410. Don't get discouraged though, there is still a very decent chance you can make honors. There also apparently is something called College Park scholars which has a middle 50 of 1300-1410. Consider that too. As for UMBC, they recommend a 1400 combined on CR and Math, so your chances there may not be as high.
im a high school senior that lives in maryland, im applying to early action for both schools i have a 1940 SAT score Math-680 reading- 630 writing- 630 i have a 3.68 unweighted GPA and a 4.2 weighted GPA I have taken 3 APs (AP Gov and Politics, AP Lang, AP Bio) and im currently taking 3 right now (AP Chem, AP Lit, AP Calc AB) I was manager of the volleyball team one year, and part of the boys varsity my junior year i am in the national honors society and secretary of the science national honors society, I am vice president of the NETS club in my school (its a club that helps distribute ant-malaria nets in africa to prevent the spread of malaria), I am also in the Key Club (community service club) I have 250+ community service hours at my local hospital and i currently intern at a dental office Im not sure about my class rank but im pretty sure im in top 25% at least i plan on majoring in biology or biochemistry and go to medical school also do you think i will also be able to get into the honors programs in UMD and UMBC as well? thank you
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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I think you have a very decent chance of getting into both universities and most likely you will get in. Your scores are certainly high enough. However the honors program at UMD is very competitive and the middle 50th percentile scored between a 1340-1410. Don't get discouraged though, there is still a very decent chance you can make honors. There also apparently is something called College Park scholars which has a middle 50 of 1300-1410. Consider that too. As for UMBC, they recommend a 1400 combined on CR and Math, so your chances there may not be as high.
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Can someone help me with College Advice?
Can someone help me with College Advice?
I want to attend a 4 year college but im not sure what too look for online. i live in baltimore maryland, i dont want to go to far but i want too take a major in fashion marketing / merchandizing , and a minor in buisness or entrapanuership . the problem is i still want the whole experience of college ! like attending college football and basketball games and cheerng for my school ! can someone help me , as too what websites or even schools i should look at ?
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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Ask your counselor. There are many good schools in your area like Johns Hopkins and Drexel in Philly.
I want to attend a 4 year college but im not sure what too look for online. i live in baltimore maryland, i dont want to go to far but i want too take a major in fashion marketing / merchandizing , and a minor in buisness or entrapanuership . the problem is i still want the whole experience of college ! like attending college football and basketball games and cheerng for my school ! can someone help me , as too what websites or even schools i should look at ?
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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Ask your counselor. There are many good schools in your area like Johns Hopkins and Drexel in Philly.
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Are there any colleges close to John Hopkins in Maryland with the follwing info?
Are there any colleges close to John Hopkins in Maryland with the follwing info?
Ok, so I'm 95% sure I'm deciding on going to John Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland.(which is about 3 hrs. south of me) My boyfriend is going to a college that is 2 hrs. North of me. And so, if we go to these colleges we'll be 5 hrs. apart. We're still gonna stay together because we've been together forever and are a very normal, loving, serious couple (not like all the other stupid high-school romances) however after his first year he's agreed that if he didn't like his choice, that he'd come down and transfer to a college that's less than an hour away (we wanted to make sure that we get our own choices for college first, which is why he isn't just going to one near me first) OK so, i was just wondering if anyone knew of any colleges within an hour away from John Hopkins, a 4 yr school that isn't one of those "ITT tech or Devry" a regular college. here's his stats: gpa:3.0 SAT out of 2400: 1900 highschool: catholic/private high school, all four years, major: english/literature thanks! i'll 5 star any good answer :)
Higher Education (University +) - 2 Answers
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Hey :) You can do a search here. It's really specific when asking what you're looking for in a college, so I find that helpful. http://www.collegeboard.com/student/csearch/index.html
I would recommend looking at Goucher College, Hood College, University of Maryland-College Park, and University of Maryland--Baltimore County if he wants to stay really close. His stats seem to make him a pretty good match for all of these schools. Otherwise, the beauty of Baltimore is that it's pretty close to DC and Philadelphia, both of which have a lot of good schools.
Ok, so I'm 95% sure I'm deciding on going to John Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland.(which is about 3 hrs. south of me) My boyfriend is going to a college that is 2 hrs. North of me. And so, if we go to these colleges we'll be 5 hrs. apart. We're still gonna stay together because we've been together forever and are a very normal, loving, serious couple (not like all the other stupid high-school romances) however after his first year he's agreed that if he didn't like his choice, that he'd come down and transfer to a college that's less than an hour away (we wanted to make sure that we get our own choices for college first, which is why he isn't just going to one near me first) OK so, i was just wondering if anyone knew of any colleges within an hour away from John Hopkins, a 4 yr school that isn't one of those "ITT tech or Devry" a regular college. here's his stats: gpa:3.0 SAT out of 2400: 1900 highschool: catholic/private high school, all four years, major: english/literature thanks! i'll 5 star any good answer :)
Higher Education (University +) - 2 Answers
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Hey :) You can do a search here. It's really specific when asking what you're looking for in a college, so I find that helpful. http://www.collegeboard.com/student/csearch/index.html
I would recommend looking at Goucher College, Hood College, University of Maryland-College Park, and University of Maryland--Baltimore County if he wants to stay really close. His stats seem to make him a pretty good match for all of these schools. Otherwise, the beauty of Baltimore is that it's pretty close to DC and Philadelphia, both of which have a lot of good schools.
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Is is possible for someone with a criminal record to get a job teaching children?
Is is possible for someone with a criminal record to get a job teaching children?
I'm being harassed and bullied by a person who claims to be an elementary school principle in a Baltimore Maryland area school. He's in his late 40's and he's a serious nutbag. I would think it likely that somewhere along the line he had to have met up with the law for his behavior. I can't understand how someone like that could end up in the school systems unless the school system doesn't do a comprehensive background check or don't care. A report has been filed with the police department His weapon of choice seems to be automobles. I wonder if they do checks for serious automotive-related offenses
Law & Legal - 2 Answers
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NO. Schools are strict on that policy and if you are being truely harrassed you should report it to the appropriate authorities.
No. The laws when working with children are very strict.
I'm being harassed and bullied by a person who claims to be an elementary school principle in a Baltimore Maryland area school. He's in his late 40's and he's a serious nutbag. I would think it likely that somewhere along the line he had to have met up with the law for his behavior. I can't understand how someone like that could end up in the school systems unless the school system doesn't do a comprehensive background check or don't care. A report has been filed with the police department His weapon of choice seems to be automobles. I wonder if they do checks for serious automotive-related offenses
Law & Legal - 2 Answers
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NO. Schools are strict on that policy and if you are being truely harrassed you should report it to the appropriate authorities.
No. The laws when working with children are very strict.
Friday, May 6, 2011
finish my current degree in a 1.5 years at my current school or start fresh from a new more reputable school?
finish my current degree in a 1.5 years at my current school or start fresh from a new more reputable school?
i am currently attending UMUC(university of maryland university college). I can finish my current degree program (computer science/information technology) in a year and a half. The problem is that UMUC is not a very good school and I don't think I will be able to get a job when I am finished. Another problem is that I am not really learing anything. The school is filled with a bunch of bad instructors and care only about their paychecks and not teaching anyone. I have no work experience in the computers and I am now 27 so I am not getting any younger. However, I now I have a chance at attending UMBC(University of Maryland Baltimore County) which is a more reputable school. The bad thing is almost none of my credits from UMUC will transfer. So I am pretty much looking at starting from scratch and doing another 4 years. But a dregree from UMBC is a lot more valuable and I will get a much better education. Some people I have talked too said finish my current degree (umuc) and go straight into graduate school. However I will feel so unprepared and whatever masters degree program I enroll at I think I will struggle. Others say I should look for an internship and get some kind of work experience and continue with my current degree and I will be able to find a job regardless of what school I graduate from. SO, should I continure with my current bad degree or go to a different but better school and start from 0?
Higher Education (University +) - 4 Answers
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I truly understand your dilemma however I must agree with the advice to finish your degree. Are you paying for this education? If so, why would you waste all that time and money? In addition, I take mostly online classes and you have to do 90% of the work on your own. You cannot rely on teachers in any university, they are there to guide you however the responsibility to learn is on you. If you are having difficulty with the material then you need to seek out resources to help yourself. Are you working? If not, you should seek out an internship or employment of some sort in the field you are interested in so you can gain some practical knowledge. I do not mean to sound harsh but as you stated you are 27 and you have no time to waste. You need to get with the program now and forget about bad degree there is no such thing. Most employers are more concerned with what you have learned and the skills you bring to the table not your "pedigree". You have absolutely no time to go back, stop looking back. Start killing the books and dig in a bit deeper into whatever knowledge base is available to you. Seek out an internship or something so you can relate to what you are studying. Listen to some Dave Ramsey radio shows and start motivating yourself to achieving your goals. I am praying that you will take wise counsel from those around you and change your attitude. This thing about bad colleges is nonsense. There are people in some countries that would do anything for a drop of education and they would do great with it too. It's too late to go back now do the best with what you have. Find a job that will help to pay for your graduate degree if you need to have one. I am positive if you search you will find someone from UMUC who has graduated from the same program and is doing well. Come on, you can do this, go get it done. Move forward with a more positive attitude. Your future kids are depending on you to get this done so you can provide for them so get going now. I have no doubt you will be successful if you stick to your goals and stop listening to people about bad degree and good degree. Do not start from ground zero, it will be a mistake which will be costly. Time is more valuable than money. You can do this! Per Dave Ramsey: We hire people here every day, and where they went to college is a VERY MINOR blip on the radar.
finish at UMUC and try to get into a graduate program from a respectable program. Where you go to college matters, but as you progress in your career, it plays less and less of a role.
Really, you need to finish this degree and go to graduate school. Even a lower level one. You will be better off in the long run. As well,college is what you make of it. You may not be learning as much as you expect because you still have a high school mentality. College is about giving you only a bare framework and it is up to you to fill in the details on your own.
Isn't UMUC a community college? you can't go to grad school with a degree from a community college.
i am currently attending UMUC(university of maryland university college). I can finish my current degree program (computer science/information technology) in a year and a half. The problem is that UMUC is not a very good school and I don't think I will be able to get a job when I am finished. Another problem is that I am not really learing anything. The school is filled with a bunch of bad instructors and care only about their paychecks and not teaching anyone. I have no work experience in the computers and I am now 27 so I am not getting any younger. However, I now I have a chance at attending UMBC(University of Maryland Baltimore County) which is a more reputable school. The bad thing is almost none of my credits from UMUC will transfer. So I am pretty much looking at starting from scratch and doing another 4 years. But a dregree from UMBC is a lot more valuable and I will get a much better education. Some people I have talked too said finish my current degree (umuc) and go straight into graduate school. However I will feel so unprepared and whatever masters degree program I enroll at I think I will struggle. Others say I should look for an internship and get some kind of work experience and continue with my current degree and I will be able to find a job regardless of what school I graduate from. SO, should I continure with my current bad degree or go to a different but better school and start from 0?
Higher Education (University +) - 4 Answers
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I truly understand your dilemma however I must agree with the advice to finish your degree. Are you paying for this education? If so, why would you waste all that time and money? In addition, I take mostly online classes and you have to do 90% of the work on your own. You cannot rely on teachers in any university, they are there to guide you however the responsibility to learn is on you. If you are having difficulty with the material then you need to seek out resources to help yourself. Are you working? If not, you should seek out an internship or employment of some sort in the field you are interested in so you can gain some practical knowledge. I do not mean to sound harsh but as you stated you are 27 and you have no time to waste. You need to get with the program now and forget about bad degree there is no such thing. Most employers are more concerned with what you have learned and the skills you bring to the table not your "pedigree". You have absolutely no time to go back, stop looking back. Start killing the books and dig in a bit deeper into whatever knowledge base is available to you. Seek out an internship or something so you can relate to what you are studying. Listen to some Dave Ramsey radio shows and start motivating yourself to achieving your goals. I am praying that you will take wise counsel from those around you and change your attitude. This thing about bad colleges is nonsense. There are people in some countries that would do anything for a drop of education and they would do great with it too. It's too late to go back now do the best with what you have. Find a job that will help to pay for your graduate degree if you need to have one. I am positive if you search you will find someone from UMUC who has graduated from the same program and is doing well. Come on, you can do this, go get it done. Move forward with a more positive attitude. Your future kids are depending on you to get this done so you can provide for them so get going now. I have no doubt you will be successful if you stick to your goals and stop listening to people about bad degree and good degree. Do not start from ground zero, it will be a mistake which will be costly. Time is more valuable than money. You can do this! Per Dave Ramsey: We hire people here every day, and where they went to college is a VERY MINOR blip on the radar.
finish at UMUC and try to get into a graduate program from a respectable program. Where you go to college matters, but as you progress in your career, it plays less and less of a role.
Really, you need to finish this degree and go to graduate school. Even a lower level one. You will be better off in the long run. As well,college is what you make of it. You may not be learning as much as you expect because you still have a high school mentality. College is about giving you only a bare framework and it is up to you to fill in the details on your own.
Isn't UMUC a community college? you can't go to grad school with a degree from a community college.
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
what are some good music schools in maryland?
what are some good music schools in maryland?
i really want to go to a music school maybe for my senior year im a sophmore now and i only want to go senior year is because im pretty sure i can only go when i drive. i love music and i just want to do something that i love. are there any schools in maryland like maybe in howard county i know theres one in baltimore, i dont mind driving 1 hour to get there but i just want to know if there is one closer or near the DC area all i want to know if there is any school in the dc/baltimore area (montgomery/howard/baltimore counties)
Other - Music - 1 Answers
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All you had to do was search GOOGLE ... I found this list in about 4 seconds. http://www.google.com/#hl=en&expIds=17259,22713,24472,26095,26562,26614,26807,26885,27015&sugexp=ldymls&xhr=t&q=music+school+in+maryland&cp=18&pf=p&sclient=psy&aq=f&aqi=g4g-o1&aql=&oq=music+school+in+ma&gs_rfai=&pbx=1&fp=9f2370386c77b788
Monday, May 2, 2011
i'm looking for allstate training career or allstate careers for training to get your CDL driving license.?
i'm looking for allstate training career or allstate careers for training to get your CDL driving license.?
Other - Careers & Employment - 1 Answers
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Allstate Career 2200 Broening Hwy Ste 160 Baltimore, MD 21224 Phone: 410-631-1818
Other - Careers & Employment - 1 Answers
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Allstate Career 2200 Broening Hwy Ste 160 Baltimore, MD 21224 Phone: 410-631-1818
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