Why aim for the stars when you can barely touch the clouds?
I'm a sixteen year old girl from Baltimore Maryland, and growing up I've always heard kids saying they wanted to become the biggest and the best. Music producers, singers, song writers, actors, models. You name it. Realistically speaking when you're roaming the streets of Baltimore City and deliberately missing school, you probably can't even begin to comprehend the obstacles that it takes to get anywhere near that "dream." I just want to become a police officer, or school teacher or nurse; whereas everyone else I know is trying to aim for the stars when they can barely touch the clouds. Why is this?
Other - Social Science - 2 Answers
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Maybe because it's easier to work towards a short-term goal which you might not really want if you see it as a stepping stone to your dream job? At some point, these people might have to make do with the reality of where they can get in life. But perhaps the dream will make them try harder than they would without it.
Just to start an argument I believe school isn't the biggest priority. An education is usually best for people but your well being is much more important. Going to school will most likely open more opportunities for you to reach a dream then the latter. Many people dream big because it is simply something to aspire about and keep their spirits up. Later on in life I have to say people get their dreams crushed by reality. I won't be the person to tell anyone you can't do something but there will be someone sooner or later to get in your way. Dreaming to be "great" isn't such a bad thing as it can give you the confidence and will to do better than you would normally do even going to the extent as being able to change a mindset. This would would be nothing without police and a medical field so people shouldn't think that just because you want to be in law enforcement doesn't mean it isn't a great dream to YOU. Everyone sees things differently. I hope this helped you a little. ^-^
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Monday, March 28, 2011
How far is it from one capitol to another?
How far is it from one capitol to another?
How far is it from Baltimore, Maryland to Dover, Delaware? URGENT! Need for a school assignment!
Geography - 1 Answers
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By car it is about 106-miles according to Google Maps. The distance between the cities, as the crow flies, is approximately 59-miles according to symsys. See the links below for additional information. Hope this helps.
How far is it from Baltimore, Maryland to Dover, Delaware? URGENT! Need for a school assignment!
Geography - 1 Answers
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By car it is about 106-miles according to Google Maps. The distance between the cities, as the crow flies, is approximately 59-miles according to symsys. See the links below for additional information. Hope this helps.
Saturday, March 26, 2011
What are the public culinary schools in Maryland?
What are the public culinary schools in Maryland?
Baltimore International College is private.
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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Baltimore International College is private.
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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Thursday, March 24, 2011
How many days do you think Baltimore County Schools will be closed? (please read even if not in county)?
How many days do you think Baltimore County Schools will be closed? (please read even if not in county)?
So it snowed from last night, into today and will end tomorrow (Sunday). The amount of snow we have is 20 inches or more (2ft of snow) in Maryland. How many days do you think they will close school and if you think delays how many hours and days. Break for Christmas starts the 24th! be awesome if it was closed for this whole week.. ya know
Primary & Secondary Education - 2 Answers
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My break started Friday 3 days
2 days
So it snowed from last night, into today and will end tomorrow (Sunday). The amount of snow we have is 20 inches or more (2ft of snow) in Maryland. How many days do you think they will close school and if you think delays how many hours and days. Break for Christmas starts the 24th! be awesome if it was closed for this whole week.. ya know
Primary & Secondary Education - 2 Answers
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My break started Friday 3 days
2 days
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
What activities would a high school zoology club do?
What activities would a high school zoology club do?
My friend and I are looking to start a zoology club within our high school. What sort of things can we do? We live near D.C., in Maryland specifically, and we weren't sure of activities that the club could sponsor... We've already come up with the ideas of visiting the National Zoo in Washington D.C, and the Baltimore Aquarium, and volunteering at local animal shelters, but what are some other things we can do?
Zoology - 3 Answers
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you can also visit wildlife centers there is one in clinton MD, and in greenbelt
maybe have like a class pet or something :) a snake or a lizard perhaps?
I'm not sure. Maybe you should contact some established zoology clubs. They might be able to give you some ideas and help you make your zoology club successful so that it will continue long after you graduate. http://www.google.com/search?q=zoology+club+activities&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a http://search.yahoo.com/search?p=zoology+club+activities&ei=UTF-8&fr=moz2
My friend and I are looking to start a zoology club within our high school. What sort of things can we do? We live near D.C., in Maryland specifically, and we weren't sure of activities that the club could sponsor... We've already come up with the ideas of visiting the National Zoo in Washington D.C, and the Baltimore Aquarium, and volunteering at local animal shelters, but what are some other things we can do?
Zoology - 3 Answers
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you can also visit wildlife centers there is one in clinton MD, and in greenbelt
maybe have like a class pet or something :) a snake or a lizard perhaps?
I'm not sure. Maybe you should contact some established zoology clubs. They might be able to give you some ideas and help you make your zoology club successful so that it will continue long after you graduate. http://www.google.com/search?q=zoology+club+activities&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a http://search.yahoo.com/search?p=zoology+club+activities&ei=UTF-8&fr=moz2
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Can I get into University of Maryland-Baltimore County?
Can I get into University of Maryland-Baltimore County?
I have a kind of average academic record (2.9 GPA, 1400 SAT's, 21 ACT) and I have a Non verbal learning disability and SEVERE anger management problems but my EC's are where I kick ass: *Sports editor of HS paper *Work on schools news program *Beat writer for local paper for my HS baseball, football, basketball, cross country, and tennis teams *Did work for other local paper covering my HS *Part time job as a little league umpire *Part time job as a pizza delivery man *Part time job at my towns field club *Worked for the democratic party and traveled to Pennsylvania to canvass for Obama on Election day weekend *Young Democrats club *Support the Troops club member *Big Brother, Big Sister program *Volunteer at Jewish Home for Elderly *Summer program at Misericordia University on Communications *Attendee of Sports Broadcasting camp I'm not from Maryland, I'm from CT, and dont they like diversity as in kids who arent from instate? So what do you think?? :)
Higher Education (University +) - 2 Answers
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Only 12% of University of Maryland (baltimore county) students get accepted with a 2.5-2..99 GPA average. However, because you've joined many activities, and worked, I think that you DO have a good chance of getting in. =)
UMd-BC is somewhat out of reach. UMd- Eastern Shores will probably accept you as an out-of-state student. Get your Anger Management problems under control, or don't bother attending university.
I have a kind of average academic record (2.9 GPA, 1400 SAT's, 21 ACT) and I have a Non verbal learning disability and SEVERE anger management problems but my EC's are where I kick ass: *Sports editor of HS paper *Work on schools news program *Beat writer for local paper for my HS baseball, football, basketball, cross country, and tennis teams *Did work for other local paper covering my HS *Part time job as a little league umpire *Part time job as a pizza delivery man *Part time job at my towns field club *Worked for the democratic party and traveled to Pennsylvania to canvass for Obama on Election day weekend *Young Democrats club *Support the Troops club member *Big Brother, Big Sister program *Volunteer at Jewish Home for Elderly *Summer program at Misericordia University on Communications *Attendee of Sports Broadcasting camp I'm not from Maryland, I'm from CT, and dont they like diversity as in kids who arent from instate? So what do you think?? :)
Higher Education (University +) - 2 Answers
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Only 12% of University of Maryland (baltimore county) students get accepted with a 2.5-2..99 GPA average. However, because you've joined many activities, and worked, I think that you DO have a good chance of getting in. =)
UMd-BC is somewhat out of reach. UMd- Eastern Shores will probably accept you as an out-of-state student. Get your Anger Management problems under control, or don't bother attending university.
Friday, March 18, 2011
Anyone heard of a combined-medical school-undergraduate college program?
Anyone heard of a combined-medical school-undergraduate college program?
Ok, so i've heard from some sources that there are programs out there that enable a student to be guaranteed entry into a medical school if they go to the college associated with it. I know that the University of Maryland (Baltimore County) has one of these programs, but i have no idea what it's called, nor do I know the details of this program, if anyone has information, It would be greatly appreciated.
Higher Education (University +) - 6 Answers
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yes, but you should know that most medical schools don't do that program any more and most programs are built for primary care doctors not other types. that program is kind of dying.
There are a few programs that do this. That being said, all of these programs are nearly impossible to get into. Med schools are taking a massive gamble with you by letting you get into their school without looking at your college performance or MCAT scores. That's why there's usually only a small handful of students that get into each program (I've heard from 4-10). As for schools that have the programs, I know that USC has a 7-year medical school track. So does UC San Diego. NYU has a dentist school program. Caltech has a joint program with UCSD that lets you go to Caltech for your undergrad and guarantees you get into UCSD medical school. I know there's a couple of more programs out there. But the biggest problems with the programs is that they're only offered by medical schools that aren't too great to begin with. So by having these programs, the schools can attract very brilliant candidates who would otherwise never want to go to their medical school. Plus, I personally know a surgeon who was interviewing for residencies and rejected everyone who graduated from one of these programs simply because they went to one. So good luck if you want to apply, but my conclusion is that it's not worth the effort. It's probably better to go to a small liberal arts school and apply for med school from there. (Check medical school acceptance rates at Williams, Amherst, Pomona, etc. for their medical school acceptance rates versus that of state schools). The problem with that is you'll have to explain yourself whenever someone asks you where you go to school.
Yeah for sure couple of my friends actually turned down amazing universities to go to the medical school scholar's program for undergraduate study. The one that I know of is at UCSD where only a tiny percentage get in...so ya go here: http://meded.ucsd.edu/groups/med-scholars/faqs.html. Undergraduates from Stanford don't always get in either! Only like 15% do or something. It's intense though. And you are going to med school for sure if you get in so make the decision wisely :) Bonne chance monsieur.
Alan L mentioned some. Northwestern also has one. If you go to a school's med school website, look for it under "Programs" or "Degree Programs". They're usually called joint bachelor/MD programs. Otherwise, I disagree completely with his "advice." Med school is very difficult to get into. In general, if you get in anywhere, you're pretty happy. One of my biggest beefs is his claim that they're attached to "not too great" med schools. They're not. USC and Northwestern have them and they are quite prestigious. I had two friends go to Northwestern's program. They could still have applied to other med schools if they wanted to. They both chose to go to Northwestern cuz it's a really good med school and they got their admissions already. No real reason to expend precious time and money applying to other schools when they're already accepted to a really good one. The other reason why I think Alan L gave horrible advice is just because you apply to those 7 yr programs doesn't mean you can't apply to other colleges. Yes, they have very low admissions rates, but that's true of all prestigious colleges. Whether or not they have a 7 yr med program or not. He makes it sound like it's an exclusive choice and you can't pick any other school if you apply to it and get accepted. Oh, and my two friends did just fine. One's doing his residency for plastic surgery. I'm not sure what specialty the other friend is doing, but she did her residency at UCLA, one of the top ranked hospitals in the country. Coming from 7 yr med programs didn't hurt them at all. Alan L must be pulling crap from his ass.
The other posters have not addressed your question about UMBC. From looking at the UMBC website, there is no such degree program where one can obtain an undergraduate degree and continue on to the University of MD medical school. For the past 17 years, Boston University has a combined program called ENGMEDIC where a student can obtain a BS degree in Biomedical Engineering and a MD from BU's med school in 6-8 years depending on how many AP credits the student can transfer into the program.
I think you've been given erroneous information, perhaps based on this fact: All state-assisted medical schools are required to give preferential treatment to state residents. The University of Maryland's Student brochure states that in the "Selection Process" section. Here's a link: http://medschool.umaryland.edu/admissions/ The University of Maryland has three undergrad schools that account for the majority of the 77% of state-resident matriculants and they are UMCP, UMBC and JHU.
Ok, so i've heard from some sources that there are programs out there that enable a student to be guaranteed entry into a medical school if they go to the college associated with it. I know that the University of Maryland (Baltimore County) has one of these programs, but i have no idea what it's called, nor do I know the details of this program, if anyone has information, It would be greatly appreciated.
Higher Education (University +) - 6 Answers
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yes, but you should know that most medical schools don't do that program any more and most programs are built for primary care doctors not other types. that program is kind of dying.
There are a few programs that do this. That being said, all of these programs are nearly impossible to get into. Med schools are taking a massive gamble with you by letting you get into their school without looking at your college performance or MCAT scores. That's why there's usually only a small handful of students that get into each program (I've heard from 4-10). As for schools that have the programs, I know that USC has a 7-year medical school track. So does UC San Diego. NYU has a dentist school program. Caltech has a joint program with UCSD that lets you go to Caltech for your undergrad and guarantees you get into UCSD medical school. I know there's a couple of more programs out there. But the biggest problems with the programs is that they're only offered by medical schools that aren't too great to begin with. So by having these programs, the schools can attract very brilliant candidates who would otherwise never want to go to their medical school. Plus, I personally know a surgeon who was interviewing for residencies and rejected everyone who graduated from one of these programs simply because they went to one. So good luck if you want to apply, but my conclusion is that it's not worth the effort. It's probably better to go to a small liberal arts school and apply for med school from there. (Check medical school acceptance rates at Williams, Amherst, Pomona, etc. for their medical school acceptance rates versus that of state schools). The problem with that is you'll have to explain yourself whenever someone asks you where you go to school.
Yeah for sure couple of my friends actually turned down amazing universities to go to the medical school scholar's program for undergraduate study. The one that I know of is at UCSD where only a tiny percentage get in...so ya go here: http://meded.ucsd.edu/groups/med-scholars/faqs.html. Undergraduates from Stanford don't always get in either! Only like 15% do or something. It's intense though. And you are going to med school for sure if you get in so make the decision wisely :) Bonne chance monsieur.
Alan L mentioned some. Northwestern also has one. If you go to a school's med school website, look for it under "Programs" or "Degree Programs". They're usually called joint bachelor/MD programs. Otherwise, I disagree completely with his "advice." Med school is very difficult to get into. In general, if you get in anywhere, you're pretty happy. One of my biggest beefs is his claim that they're attached to "not too great" med schools. They're not. USC and Northwestern have them and they are quite prestigious. I had two friends go to Northwestern's program. They could still have applied to other med schools if they wanted to. They both chose to go to Northwestern cuz it's a really good med school and they got their admissions already. No real reason to expend precious time and money applying to other schools when they're already accepted to a really good one. The other reason why I think Alan L gave horrible advice is just because you apply to those 7 yr programs doesn't mean you can't apply to other colleges. Yes, they have very low admissions rates, but that's true of all prestigious colleges. Whether or not they have a 7 yr med program or not. He makes it sound like it's an exclusive choice and you can't pick any other school if you apply to it and get accepted. Oh, and my two friends did just fine. One's doing his residency for plastic surgery. I'm not sure what specialty the other friend is doing, but she did her residency at UCLA, one of the top ranked hospitals in the country. Coming from 7 yr med programs didn't hurt them at all. Alan L must be pulling crap from his ass.
The other posters have not addressed your question about UMBC. From looking at the UMBC website, there is no such degree program where one can obtain an undergraduate degree and continue on to the University of MD medical school. For the past 17 years, Boston University has a combined program called ENGMEDIC where a student can obtain a BS degree in Biomedical Engineering and a MD from BU's med school in 6-8 years depending on how many AP credits the student can transfer into the program.
I think you've been given erroneous information, perhaps based on this fact: All state-assisted medical schools are required to give preferential treatment to state residents. The University of Maryland's Student brochure states that in the "Selection Process" section. Here's a link: http://medschool.umaryland.edu/admissions/ The University of Maryland has three undergrad schools that account for the majority of the 77% of state-resident matriculants and they are UMCP, UMBC and JHU.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Whats it like in Maryland [Baltimore]?
Whats it like in Maryland [Baltimore]?
Ive lived ONLY in the south my entire life, and now im moving to Maryland...Is there anyone that lives there now to tell me about it? Where are the good schools? What are the people like? What kind of food?
Other - United States - 1 Answers
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maryland is pretty nice. my dad lives there. it is similar to most states. there are a lot of sea food resturaunts and there are also a lot of sites
Ive lived ONLY in the south my entire life, and now im moving to Maryland...Is there anyone that lives there now to tell me about it? Where are the good schools? What are the people like? What kind of food?
Other - United States - 1 Answers
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maryland is pretty nice. my dad lives there. it is similar to most states. there are a lot of sea food resturaunts and there are also a lot of sites
Monday, March 14, 2011
Can You List Crime Scene Investigation Schools In Maryland?
Can You List Crime Scene Investigation Schools In Maryland?
Im talking about schools around the Baltimore area , Baltimore county or city If they have some schools around there. Im moving down there I WANT ONLY CRIME SCENE INVERSTIGATION any tech school
Law Enforcement & Police - 1 Answers
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I think the school you are looking for is called a "University" or "College". Most forensic technician jobs require, at a minimum, a BS degree in a field of science. Some schools, like San Jose State University, actually offer a Forensic Science BS degree which has a heavy class load in the sciences. ***Edit*** Crime Scene Investigation is a TV Show! Most jurisdictions call them Forensic Technicians or some variation of it. And like I said, most require AT LEAST a Bachelor of Science degree in a science related field such as chemistry, biology, etc. Baltimore University has a Forensic Studies program.
Im talking about schools around the Baltimore area , Baltimore county or city If they have some schools around there. Im moving down there I WANT ONLY CRIME SCENE INVERSTIGATION any tech school
Law Enforcement & Police - 1 Answers
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I think the school you are looking for is called a "University" or "College". Most forensic technician jobs require, at a minimum, a BS degree in a field of science. Some schools, like San Jose State University, actually offer a Forensic Science BS degree which has a heavy class load in the sciences. ***Edit*** Crime Scene Investigation is a TV Show! Most jurisdictions call them Forensic Technicians or some variation of it. And like I said, most require AT LEAST a Bachelor of Science degree in a science related field such as chemistry, biology, etc. Baltimore University has a Forensic Studies program.
Saturday, March 12, 2011
I am a biology major and i am going into the premed way. I am going to the university of maryland baltimore?
I am a biology major and i am going into the premed way. I am going to the university of maryland baltimore?
county for my first semester in college. is it a good idea to take chem101, bio 100, and calculus 2 for my first semester. My councelors keep saying i should pick two out of three but i dont know. what do you think. this school is known for its rigorous science program, so i am only allowed to take the lecture part for bio, not lab. I have to wait unitl next semester. also, if you didnt know, my first semester there is a month called ramadan and i have to lead religious prayers all night long mostly and so i was just thinking of taking calc, bio, english, and psychology. taking chem might be too much. So its either chem or calc. I could just take chem next semester. whats ur opinion. thanks so should i stick with biology lecture, calc 2, psychology of learning, and maybe an english class
Higher Education (University +) - 2 Answers
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DO NOT TAKE TOO MANY HARD SCIENCE CLASSES ALL AT ONCE. Your GPA is going to be EVERYTHING to you when applying to med school, do not try and do too much at once or you will get bad grades and med schools do not want that. You could ruin your chances of ever becoming a doctor if you let the gpa slip. You do not want any B or C if you can help it. You want to aim for nothing less than 4.0 and you need to structure your schedule to make it happen.
Lose the term Premed. You can't be 'pre-med' unless you get into medical school. Less than half of all QUALIFIED applicants, with bachelors/masters and docterate degrees and high gpa's get in. Therefore, if you don't get in, you were never really pre-med... Its more of a term used to denote a 'social status' saying you're pre-med is like calling your dog a pre- airline pilot. Sounds nice, but doesn't really mean anything. Your last post looks best.. biology lect, calc 2, psych, english. Most med schools require only calc 1. However, if you go up to calc 3, and take calculus based physics, you will have an advantage for the MCATs... while every other PREMED is trying to recall their algebraically derived physics formulas, you, having had calc 3 and calc based physics can derive all of your formulas. This is probably one of the reasons why engineers have one of the highest acceptance rates into medical school.
county for my first semester in college. is it a good idea to take chem101, bio 100, and calculus 2 for my first semester. My councelors keep saying i should pick two out of three but i dont know. what do you think. this school is known for its rigorous science program, so i am only allowed to take the lecture part for bio, not lab. I have to wait unitl next semester. also, if you didnt know, my first semester there is a month called ramadan and i have to lead religious prayers all night long mostly and so i was just thinking of taking calc, bio, english, and psychology. taking chem might be too much. So its either chem or calc. I could just take chem next semester. whats ur opinion. thanks so should i stick with biology lecture, calc 2, psychology of learning, and maybe an english class
Higher Education (University +) - 2 Answers
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DO NOT TAKE TOO MANY HARD SCIENCE CLASSES ALL AT ONCE. Your GPA is going to be EVERYTHING to you when applying to med school, do not try and do too much at once or you will get bad grades and med schools do not want that. You could ruin your chances of ever becoming a doctor if you let the gpa slip. You do not want any B or C if you can help it. You want to aim for nothing less than 4.0 and you need to structure your schedule to make it happen.
Lose the term Premed. You can't be 'pre-med' unless you get into medical school. Less than half of all QUALIFIED applicants, with bachelors/masters and docterate degrees and high gpa's get in. Therefore, if you don't get in, you were never really pre-med... Its more of a term used to denote a 'social status' saying you're pre-med is like calling your dog a pre- airline pilot. Sounds nice, but doesn't really mean anything. Your last post looks best.. biology lect, calc 2, psych, english. Most med schools require only calc 1. However, if you go up to calc 3, and take calculus based physics, you will have an advantage for the MCATs... while every other PREMED is trying to recall their algebraically derived physics formulas, you, having had calc 3 and calc based physics can derive all of your formulas. This is probably one of the reasons why engineers have one of the highest acceptance rates into medical school.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
I need to know how long it takes to get from Maryland to California via airplane...?
I need to know how long it takes to get from Maryland to California via airplane...?
My boyfriend is leaving for college in California and I would like to make him a play list for the flight. I feel bad because I can't fly out with him due to my schooling as well. But I need to know how long it will take for him to go from Baltimore Maryland to San Diego California.
Other - United States - 3 Answers
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Should be about 4 hours if the weather is decent. Then you have to add the time for any layovers. For the final touch you have to factor in the time zone change between Wi. and Ca.
I could find no evidence of a nonstop flight from BWI to San Diego (SAN). It is necessary to change planes in one of several hub cities between BWI and SAN. The total time required, including layovers between planes, ranges from a little less than 7 hours to about 9 hours, depending on the airline and the transfer point. The cheapest fares and reasonably good schedules seemed to be on AirTran via Atlanta: http://www.airtran.com There are several nonstop flights to SAN daily from Washington Dulles (IAD). Those flights require about 5 hours 15 minutes.
My boyfriend is leaving for college in California and I would like to make him a play list for the flight. I feel bad because I can't fly out with him due to my schooling as well. But I need to know how long it will take for him to go from Baltimore Maryland to San Diego California.
Other - United States - 3 Answers
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Should be about 4 hours if the weather is decent. Then you have to add the time for any layovers. For the final touch you have to factor in the time zone change between Wi. and Ca.
I could find no evidence of a nonstop flight from BWI to San Diego (SAN). It is necessary to change planes in one of several hub cities between BWI and SAN. The total time required, including layovers between planes, ranges from a little less than 7 hours to about 9 hours, depending on the airline and the transfer point. The cheapest fares and reasonably good schedules seemed to be on AirTran via Atlanta: http://www.airtran.com There are several nonstop flights to SAN daily from Washington Dulles (IAD). Those flights require about 5 hours 15 minutes.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
What are my chances of getting into U of Maryland, Baltimore. U of Virginia and U of Pitt?
What are my chances of getting into U of Maryland, Baltimore. U of Virginia and U of Pitt?
I have a 3.8 unweighted GPA 2050 SAT Club soccer 12 years Indoor and 10 time city champs. School Soccer 2 years. Operation smile participant. Cross country 1 year PAML participant 4 years (math competition). Babysitter 5 years (infants...I might write an essay on this). National Honor Society. National Spanish Honor Society. 100+ hours of community service. Gold Key Club 3 years. ( I need to take the ACT and SAT II test stil and will be taking AP Stat this year) I meant club soccer indoor & outdoor * I heard if you OOS you wont get into UVA... is that true?
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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Your odds of getting in are good at UMBC and fair at Pitt and UVA. Even Virginia residents with a 4.0 GPA can get turned down at UVA
I have a 3.8 unweighted GPA 2050 SAT Club soccer 12 years Indoor and 10 time city champs. School Soccer 2 years. Operation smile participant. Cross country 1 year PAML participant 4 years (math competition). Babysitter 5 years (infants...I might write an essay on this). National Honor Society. National Spanish Honor Society. 100+ hours of community service. Gold Key Club 3 years. ( I need to take the ACT and SAT II test stil and will be taking AP Stat this year) I meant club soccer indoor & outdoor * I heard if you OOS you wont get into UVA... is that true?
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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Your odds of getting in are good at UMBC and fair at Pitt and UVA. Even Virginia residents with a 4.0 GPA can get turned down at UVA
Sunday, March 6, 2011
I need to find some acting classes for adults in Maryland. All I see is Baltimore or DC. I can't go that far..?
I need to find some acting classes for adults in Maryland. All I see is Baltimore or DC. I can't go that far..?
I am seeking an adult acting school for beginners located in Rockville or Laurel, MD. I've been in a few places, have a headshot and resume. Where are some acting schools in the Montgomery County,MD areas?
Theater & Acting - 1 Answers
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Found these using google. You might consider that an improv acting class will be of more use in the commercial market than a straight acting class.
I am seeking an adult acting school for beginners located in Rockville or Laurel, MD. I've been in a few places, have a headshot and resume. Where are some acting schools in the Montgomery County,MD areas?
Theater & Acting - 1 Answers
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Found these using google. You might consider that an improv acting class will be of more use in the commercial market than a straight acting class.
Friday, March 4, 2011
where to live in Baltimore?
where to live in Baltimore?
so me and my old man are thinking about to moving to Baltimore Maryland after i am done with school. We don't know anyone who has lived there and just to get an idea where are the good and bad parts of town. we are going to take a trip up there this fall and it would be good the have a starting point. thank you could you name the good and bad neighborhoods also?
Other - United States - 2 Answers
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Avoid anything in the city west of downtown. The eastern half of the city at least has a couple of decent neighborhoods.
Nice neighborhoods near the harbor: Fells Point, Canton, Otterbein, Inner Harbor. A bit more north: Charles Village, Mount Washington, Cheswolde, Cross Country, Tuscany-Canterbury, Cedarcroft, Roland Park, Guilford, North Roland Park/Poplar Hill, The Orchards, Homeland. Neighborhoods with a lot of crime include those in the west side, southern, and northeastern parts of the city. If you are considering the suburbs, Howard County is really nice. Baltimore County and Anne Arundel County are also very nice.
so me and my old man are thinking about to moving to Baltimore Maryland after i am done with school. We don't know anyone who has lived there and just to get an idea where are the good and bad parts of town. we are going to take a trip up there this fall and it would be good the have a starting point. thank you could you name the good and bad neighborhoods also?
Other - United States - 2 Answers
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Avoid anything in the city west of downtown. The eastern half of the city at least has a couple of decent neighborhoods.
Nice neighborhoods near the harbor: Fells Point, Canton, Otterbein, Inner Harbor. A bit more north: Charles Village, Mount Washington, Cheswolde, Cross Country, Tuscany-Canterbury, Cedarcroft, Roland Park, Guilford, North Roland Park/Poplar Hill, The Orchards, Homeland. Neighborhoods with a lot of crime include those in the west side, southern, and northeastern parts of the city. If you are considering the suburbs, Howard County is really nice. Baltimore County and Anne Arundel County are also very nice.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Should I choose Howard University, University of Baltimore/Towson, or University of Maryland for an MBA?
Should I choose Howard University, University of Baltimore/Towson, or University of Maryland for an MBA?
All 3 are AACSB accred. so I think they are all good. The biggest difference is the time & cost. For part-time, MD and Howard both require 54 cr., 3 yrs, class 2-4 days a week, & $30K+. Baltimore would only be 33 cr. since I can get 21 cr. waived due to my BS. I can finish in less than 2 years going to school once a week and doing online classes and it would cost much less. I'm doing my BS. full time while working a full-time job so I don't mind a lot of work. BUT I have a son and feel like I'm neglecting him when I'm in class all week. Plus, my hubby and I want another child so I'm sure Howard and Maryland would be quite a challenge with a job and 2 young kids. At least with Baltimore I can do classes online if I needed to. My job will pay most of my tuition at MD and Baltimore but none at Howard. My GPA is a 3.89 so I'm sure I can get scholarships but not 30K+! What's a girl to do? I really want Howard but is it worth all the time and $$$? Should I just go to Baltimore?
Higher Education (University +) - 2 Answers
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University of Maryland! Its also one of the top 10 colleges for partying.
An MBA is a degree where the quality of the institution is extremely important. Graduates of top MBA programs will earn more money and get better jobs than someone who goes to an unranked school -- even if they learn as much as they would at a top school. The University of Maryland is a top 30 B-School and the other three are unranked. In some areas (finance in particular) it is ranked even higher. The good news for you is that you can take all your classes at the University of Maryland's Baltimore campus. Students at the Baltimore campus take the same classes and have the same professors as the daytime program -- so the degree there carries the same weight as the daytime program. I know this because I was a visiting professor at U of MD a few years ago, and taught the same class on different campuses. In my mind, U of MD completely dominates your other choices. Good luck.
All 3 are AACSB accred. so I think they are all good. The biggest difference is the time & cost. For part-time, MD and Howard both require 54 cr., 3 yrs, class 2-4 days a week, & $30K+. Baltimore would only be 33 cr. since I can get 21 cr. waived due to my BS. I can finish in less than 2 years going to school once a week and doing online classes and it would cost much less. I'm doing my BS. full time while working a full-time job so I don't mind a lot of work. BUT I have a son and feel like I'm neglecting him when I'm in class all week. Plus, my hubby and I want another child so I'm sure Howard and Maryland would be quite a challenge with a job and 2 young kids. At least with Baltimore I can do classes online if I needed to. My job will pay most of my tuition at MD and Baltimore but none at Howard. My GPA is a 3.89 so I'm sure I can get scholarships but not 30K+! What's a girl to do? I really want Howard but is it worth all the time and $$$? Should I just go to Baltimore?
Higher Education (University +) - 2 Answers
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University of Maryland! Its also one of the top 10 colleges for partying.
An MBA is a degree where the quality of the institution is extremely important. Graduates of top MBA programs will earn more money and get better jobs than someone who goes to an unranked school -- even if they learn as much as they would at a top school. The University of Maryland is a top 30 B-School and the other three are unranked. In some areas (finance in particular) it is ranked even higher. The good news for you is that you can take all your classes at the University of Maryland's Baltimore campus. Students at the Baltimore campus take the same classes and have the same professors as the daytime program -- so the degree there carries the same weight as the daytime program. I know this because I was a visiting professor at U of MD a few years ago, and taught the same class on different campuses. In my mind, U of MD completely dominates your other choices. Good luck.
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