Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Serious school advice PLEASE!!?

Serious school advice PLEASE!!?
Okay so here is the deal. I'm moving to Bowie Maryland with my aunt. I just graduated H.S and I did average well like 2.0 thats actually horrible. I played around but my senior year I stayed on honor roll by then it waas too late. So I want to go to school for mortuary science. NONE of the schools have campuses. But with my grades I need a community college first then transfer after my assiocates. Long story short I just can't stay in ohio I need to experience new things. Okay The only school that has mortuary science is in baltimore maryland. My aunt said NOOOO thats a bad area. Which is fine because she knows the city and I don't. I haven't applied at any schools their! School is my number on priorty so what should I do??? I have to be able to go to school in fall. And I can no longer stay with my parents. I also really want to do mortuary science and community college is the best road for me its cheaper..I'm poor and I can get good grades. Im so confused and heart broken!
Primary & Secondary Education - 4 Answers

Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
One might say that you're in a grave situation.

Sometimes breaking the rules is doing the right thing. You should pack your bags and head to Baltimore.

I'm not exactly sure what your question is... If school is your number one priority, go to school. It sounds like you have a plan: enroll in a community college. Send in your applications. Make sure to apply for financial aid to help you out. When you meet with your adviser, be sure to discuss your plans to transfer to a college. The adviser may be able to help you determine which school offers programs that interest you AND will give you the most bang for your credit bucks. Each university transfers credits differently...some are more cooperative or generous than others. Your adviser may be able to help you choose classes that are more likely to transfer with the biggest benefit to you. If you need help with your work, look into a tutor. Some departments offer free help from students who are majoring in that subject matter. Once you get a few years of community college under your belt, I think that you will feel more confident.

Look into the mortuary science program at the Community College of Baltimore County in Catonsville. You'll have to do some driving to get there, but it's at the south end of Baltimore in a safe area near the UMBC campus and it's not that far in actual miles from Bowie. You should be able to take the BW Parkway to get there, so you won't even have to go on I-95. Do a Google search on the school for more information.

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