Thursday, April 14, 2011

What would you say my chances for getting into University of Maryland, college park or Baltimore county?

What would you say my chances for getting into University of Maryland, college park or Baltimore county?
I have a 3.23 cumulative gpa. No extra curricular activities. 1460 say score (980 math and reading yea I know that's terrible) I've taken hard classes such as AP Pschology, AP Lang and mostly honors classes. I've also gotten suspended from school in the 6th and 7th grades, and I got expelled in the last 3 months of 8th grade than had to go to an alternative school (basicAlly a school for expelled kids) for 1st semester of 9 th grade. I got all As' but 1 B each quarter while I was there. Also both of my brothers and my cousins have gone to university of maryland, college park. They obviously did a lot better than I did and didnt have any suspensions or anything. And I am a guy I live in Maryland
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers

Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
You should seek some type of school involvement. You wouldn't have any problems getting into college park with your gpa. Baltimore county in an honors school and I think you need at least a .... 3.50* to apply these days. Although, a 3.23 gpa is seen as below average at umbc. Most normal 4yr colleges usually accept all freshman who apply with decent GPA (above a 2.5). This is only because only 2/3 of those accepted can actually afford to attend.

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