Sunday, January 30, 2011

Will I be able to get into University of Maryland College Park and University of Maryland Baltimore County?

Will I be able to get into University of Maryland College Park and University of Maryland Baltimore County?
im a high school senior that lives in maryland, im applying to early action for both schools i have a 1940 SAT score Math-680 reading- 630 writing- 630 i have a 3.68 unweighted GPA and a 4.2 weighted GPA I have taken 3 APs (AP Gov and Politics, AP Lang, AP Bio) and im currently taking 3 right now (AP Chem, AP Lit, AP Calc AB) I was manager of the volleyball team one year, and part of the boys varsity my junior year i am in the national honors society and secretary of the science national honors society, I am vice president of the NETS club in my school (its a club that helps distribute ant-malaria nets in africa to prevent the spread of malaria), I am also in the Key Club (community service club) I have 250+ community service hours at my local hospital and i currently intern at a dental office Im not sure about my class rank but im pretty sure im in top 25% at least i plan on majoring in biology or biochemistry and go to medical school also do you think i will also be able to get into the honors programs in UMD and UMBC as well? thank you
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers

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