Tuesday, January 4, 2011

anyone know if it is likely that baltimore county maryland public schools will be out tom. because of snow?

anyone know if it is likely that baltimore county maryland public schools will be out tom. because of snow?
there is a 70% chance of snow; i am hoping to get out of school. are there any teachers that would have any idea? i am right near the pennsylvania line; it is definitely going to snow. i just hope it's early enough to get us out of school all day. or at the least, get out 3 hours early
Weather - 3 Answers

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It depends on the superintendent. It's whatever that person decides. And I don't know how much stock you can put in a snow forecast. No matter how high the chances are. Not in MD

I have no idea but how lovely that ye have snow!! i used to love school getting closed for snow, no snow in Ireland yet, keeping my fingers crossed x

Lucky!! It was 85 degrees not three days ago. I haven't really seen "snow" persay, but more of an icy/sloshy mix. That doesn't factor in well for snowballs because they really hurt from the ice.

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