where can i get an old PATTERSON HIGH SCHOOL YEAR BOOK.in baltimore maryland? class of 84...clippers ship on the cover it had a dark blue cover Books & Authors - 3 Answers Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions : 1 Check with the school and see if they maintain a few copies of the yearbook each year. At best, the library should have at least one copy of each annual. You might also call the school, ask who published the yearbook then and call that publisher. Very often, the publisher will have a dozen or so copies on hand. You might try CraigsList in the Baltimore area. Check ebay. There are some websites that specialize in old high school year books. Check out: http://www.ourclassreunion.com/ http://www.old-yearbooks.com http://www.oldyearbooks.net http://http://www.reunionannouncements.com/services/15/Yearbooks-For-Sale.php 2 Hi from Baltimore City! I would suggest getting in touch with some old friends and requesting to scan their copy of an old yearbook. You could make a digital pdf of the entire book and send it out to other people from your class! 3 Check with the school's yearbook department and registrar. Check the school library. Talk to some of the teachers who might have been there 25 years ago. If you don't want to try those, or if they don't work, your only hope is gonna be tracking down alumni. If you want a copy for yourself, you'll have to find an alum who's willing to part with it (or, pardon the morbidity, deceased). If you just want a look, it should be easier. Edit: Okay - Patticharron's answer seems to be superior to mine... I hope my suggestions help, though. |
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
where can i get an old PATTERSON HIGH SCHOOL YEAR BOOK.in baltimore maryland?
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