What are some good high schools in Baltimore,Maryland??(close to the urbanization"Greys Luck")?
Well its just i just got the news tht im moving back there so i would like some help for me to choose the right school? help? please ppl who are emo(atleast one person) must be there bcuz i feel like a poser being the only one in my school tht is emo thx!
Primary & Secondary Education - 1 Answers
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You can use the sites below to help you select a good school./ I understand that there are problems in many Baltimore schools.
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
What is the best University of Maryland school?
What is the best University of Maryland school?
Is it University of Maryland College Park, or University of Maryland at Baltimore? Also, what is the needed GPA in order to get accepted? I have a 3.55 GPA. Any good University's around the West Coast area that will accept me? I want to go to Law School after College by the way. Thanks in Advance!!!
Higher Education (University +) - 2 Answers
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The best is by far UMD College Park. It is an excellent university.
University of Maryland-College Park. It's a really great school, one of the best in Maryland. But why are looking at Maryland when you want a school on the west coast? At UMD there isn't one GPA that will get you in. * 65% had h.s. GPA of 3.75 and higher * 17% had h.s. GPA between 3.5 and 3.74 * 10% had h.s. GPA between 3.25 and 3.49 * 5% had h.s. GPA between 3.0 and 3.24 * 2% had h.s. GPA between 2.5 and 2.99 * 1% had h.s. GPA between 2.0 and 2.49 http://collegesearch.collegeboard.com/search/CollegeDetail.jsp?collegeId=3633&profileId=0
Is it University of Maryland College Park, or University of Maryland at Baltimore? Also, what is the needed GPA in order to get accepted? I have a 3.55 GPA. Any good University's around the West Coast area that will accept me? I want to go to Law School after College by the way. Thanks in Advance!!!
Higher Education (University +) - 2 Answers
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The best is by far UMD College Park. It is an excellent university.
University of Maryland-College Park. It's a really great school, one of the best in Maryland. But why are looking at Maryland when you want a school on the west coast? At UMD there isn't one GPA that will get you in. * 65% had h.s. GPA of 3.75 and higher * 17% had h.s. GPA between 3.5 and 3.74 * 10% had h.s. GPA between 3.25 and 3.49 * 5% had h.s. GPA between 3.0 and 3.24 * 2% had h.s. GPA between 2.5 and 2.99 * 1% had h.s. GPA between 2.0 and 2.49 http://collegesearch.collegeboard.com/search/CollegeDetail.jsp?collegeId=3633&profileId=0
Sunday, December 26, 2010
I need to locate the middle school zoned for zipcode 21209 baltimore maryland?
I need to locate the middle school zoned for zipcode 21209 baltimore maryland?
Other - Education - 2 Answers
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Dr Roland N Patterson Middle 4701 Greenspring Ave. 21209 410-396-0670 http://www.bcps.k12.md.us/School_Info/SortSchool.asp?area23=All&Submit=Advanced
The school mentioned by the other poster has been shut down. Patterson Academy was a high school located on Baltimore's East side which was located to what used to be Greenspring Middle School which was shut down. Mt. Washington Elementary/Middle is probably a K-8 school. Baltimore City is turning many of the old neighborhood elementary schools into K-8 schools to make better use of space and receive state funding for new construction.
Other - Education - 2 Answers
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Dr Roland N Patterson Middle 4701 Greenspring Ave. 21209 410-396-0670 http://www.bcps.k12.md.us/School_Info/SortSchool.asp?area23=All&Submit=Advanced
The school mentioned by the other poster has been shut down. Patterson Academy was a high school located on Baltimore's East side which was located to what used to be Greenspring Middle School which was shut down. Mt. Washington Elementary/Middle is probably a K-8 school. Baltimore City is turning many of the old neighborhood elementary schools into K-8 schools to make better use of space and receive state funding for new construction.
Friday, December 24, 2010
who was the principal of western high school in baltimore maryland year 1967?
who was the principal of western high school in baltimore maryland year 1967?
western high school was an all girls school on howard and center street before it moved
Other - Education - 1 Answers
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Claude Burkert was principal in 1967 when it moved.
western high school was an all girls school on howard and center street before it moved
Other - Education - 1 Answers
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Claude Burkert was principal in 1967 when it moved.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
where can i get an old PATTERSON HIGH SCHOOL YEAR BOOK.in baltimore maryland?
where can i get an old PATTERSON HIGH SCHOOL YEAR BOOK.in baltimore maryland? class of 84...clippers ship on the cover it had a dark blue cover Books & Authors - 3 Answers Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions : 1 Check with the school and see if they maintain a few copies of the yearbook each year. At best, the library should have at least one copy of each annual. You might also call the school, ask who published the yearbook then and call that publisher. Very often, the publisher will have a dozen or so copies on hand. You might try CraigsList in the Baltimore area. Check ebay. There are some websites that specialize in old high school year books. Check out: http://www.ourclassreunion.com/ http://www.old-yearbooks.com http://www.oldyearbooks.net http://http://www.reunionannouncements.com/services/15/Yearbooks-For-Sale.php 2 Hi from Baltimore City! I would suggest getting in touch with some old friends and requesting to scan their copy of an old yearbook. You could make a digital pdf of the entire book and send it out to other people from your class! 3 Check with the school's yearbook department and registrar. Check the school library. Talk to some of the teachers who might have been there 25 years ago. If you don't want to try those, or if they don't work, your only hope is gonna be tracking down alumni. If you want a copy for yourself, you'll have to find an alum who's willing to part with it (or, pardon the morbidity, deceased). If you just want a look, it should be easier. Edit: Okay - Patticharron's answer seems to be superior to mine... I hope my suggestions help, though. |
Monday, December 20, 2010
Is there anyone in Baltimore Maryland that would be willing to be interviewed for my Focus Question?
Is there anyone in Baltimore Maryland that would be willing to be interviewed for my Focus Question?
I am a student at Pikesville Middle School in Baltimore Maryland, who has a focus Question of "How have films changed from the 20th century through the 21st century" I need someone who has observed a change in the film industry for 30 years (adults only)
Washington, D.C. - 1 Answers
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I had to look up what a Focus Question is. Sorry I am 70 years old and did not get out of Middle School yesterday, so it is a new expression to me. Now that I know: It is so "that students can feel that they are making an impact by solving the problem. The question should have meaning for the learners in their lif at this moment in time. In other words it is your research that counts not ours. My suggestion is for you to do it yourself. This is my help from Washington, D.C. United States of America. Please pick a "Best Answer", even if it is not mine. That way we can tell if we really do help people.
I am a student at Pikesville Middle School in Baltimore Maryland, who has a focus Question of "How have films changed from the 20th century through the 21st century" I need someone who has observed a change in the film industry for 30 years (adults only)
Washington, D.C. - 1 Answers
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I had to look up what a Focus Question is. Sorry I am 70 years old and did not get out of Middle School yesterday, so it is a new expression to me. Now that I know: It is so "that students can feel that they are making an impact by solving the problem. The question should have meaning for the learners in their lif at this moment in time. In other words it is your research that counts not ours. My suggestion is for you to do it yourself. This is my help from Washington, D.C. United States of America. Please pick a "Best Answer", even if it is not mine. That way we can tell if we really do help people.
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Is University of Maryland Baltimore County a good school?
Is University of Maryland Baltimore County a good school?
I have been thinking about applying what do people think of it? Is it safe? Is it a good school academically?
Higher Education (University +) - 2 Answers
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you should visit any school first ok.. Look around and ask the students a lot of guestions and then u can make up your mind.. xxx good luck sweety xcxxx
I attend UMBC and I think it is a great school academically. There is a lot of student involvement there and the faculty are great. However, it is a research university so it doesn't have great programs for the arts and humanities if that's what you're interested in. It's great for majors like engineering, math, science, etc. If you have any other questions about it, I'd be happy to answer them.
I have been thinking about applying what do people think of it? Is it safe? Is it a good school academically?
Higher Education (University +) - 2 Answers
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you should visit any school first ok.. Look around and ask the students a lot of guestions and then u can make up your mind.. xxx good luck sweety xcxxx
I attend UMBC and I think it is a great school academically. There is a lot of student involvement there and the faculty are great. However, it is a research university so it doesn't have great programs for the arts and humanities if that's what you're interested in. It's great for majors like engineering, math, science, etc. If you have any other questions about it, I'd be happy to answer them.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Are the University of Maryland College Park and the University of Maryland Baltimore County the same School?
Are the University of Maryland College Park and the University of Maryland Baltimore County the same School?
I need your opinion on this guys. My friends and I were having a debate on whether UMCP and UMBC were the same school having different campuses or two different schools (belonging to the University System of maryland).
Higher Education (University +) - 2 Answers
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They are 2 different schools belonging to the university system of Maryland.
The answer above is correct. UMD College Park is located in Prince George's County, and UMBC, as the name suggests, is located in Baltimore County (near Catonsville.)
I need your opinion on this guys. My friends and I were having a debate on whether UMCP and UMBC were the same school having different campuses or two different schools (belonging to the University System of maryland).
Higher Education (University +) - 2 Answers
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They are 2 different schools belonging to the university system of Maryland.
The answer above is correct. UMD College Park is located in Prince George's County, and UMBC, as the name suggests, is located in Baltimore County (near Catonsville.)
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
how to get in to the performing arts school in baltimore maryland?
how to get in to the performing arts school in baltimore maryland?
like the requirements for that school how do u get in etc
Performing Arts - 1 Answers
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For anyone wanting to get into any school DonĂ¢€™t trust our answers of even those of present or former students. Contact the school (most all have websites) mail, email or phone them. Tell them you are interested in their school. Ask for entrance requirements. Ask for all brochures and information about your interest. Ask about tuition and other expenses. Ask about scholarships and their requirements. Do this with every school that you would consider. Good Luck
like the requirements for that school how do u get in etc
Performing Arts - 1 Answers
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For anyone wanting to get into any school DonĂ¢€™t trust our answers of even those of present or former students. Contact the school (most all have websites) mail, email or phone them. Tell them you are interested in their school. Ask for entrance requirements. Ask for all brochures and information about your interest. Ask about tuition and other expenses. Ask about scholarships and their requirements. Do this with every school that you would consider. Good Luck
Sunday, December 12, 2010
University of Maryland Baltimore Medical School?
University of Maryland Baltimore Medical School?
I will be entering the University of Maryland Baltimore County this fall. I really want to get into the University of Maryland Baltimore Medical school, and I am currently working towards that goal, but I read in their website that there are only 160 spots in their medical school. Around 4000 people apply. Will I stand a chance at getting at this medical school if I work hard at UMBC? Will ivy league students have more of an advantage?
Higher Education (University +) - 3 Answers
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Try and get some letters of recomendation from your instructors. Keep your grades up. BE a CANDIDATE that HAVARD, COLUMBIA, USC, NYU, YALE will look at!
If you go to their web site and look up the student profiles, you'll see that the most recent class was 78% state residents. Most state universities give preference to their residents. I know the school (I used to work at Johns Hopkins) and it's a great school. Good luck!
I will be entering the University of Maryland Baltimore County this fall. I really want to get into the University of Maryland Baltimore Medical school, and I am currently working towards that goal, but I read in their website that there are only 160 spots in their medical school. Around 4000 people apply. Will I stand a chance at getting at this medical school if I work hard at UMBC? Will ivy league students have more of an advantage?
Higher Education (University +) - 3 Answers
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Try and get some letters of recomendation from your instructors. Keep your grades up. BE a CANDIDATE that HAVARD, COLUMBIA, USC, NYU, YALE will look at!
If you go to their web site and look up the student profiles, you'll see that the most recent class was 78% state residents. Most state universities give preference to their residents. I know the school (I used to work at Johns Hopkins) and it's a great school. Good luck!
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