Saturday, July 2, 2011

Do you have to pay to get into Poly?

Do you have to pay to get into Poly?
It's Maryland and is a baltimore city high school but i live in the county.
Primary & Secondary Education - 2 Answers

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U probebly do but to make sure call them and see.

If I remember, I think the tuition is above $3,000 for county residents who have to apply to Poly like everyone else in the city. You may want to call the school for more information.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

what are the best colleges for film in the baltimore/DC area?

what are the best colleges for film in the baltimore/DC area?
I want to go to college for film and am going to look at loyola college in maryland in a few weeks but they don't really have a film program. What are some other colleges in that area that have good film programs? preferably liberal arts schools but it doesnt really matter. They dont have to be schools that are specific to art and film.
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers

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Loyola is an outstanding school. You are lucky to get in and I hope you make the most of it. As for schools with film programs, you are limited. American, George Mason, and Howard are about it. The major film programs are on the west coast or NYC. However, consider putting together a major at Loyola that is a combination of visual arts and communications. Then you can do a grad program if you want to continue in this field. A Loyola degree really opens doors.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Do I have a chance to get into these universities?

Do I have a chance to get into these universities?
My overall high school GPA will be a 3.8. I haven't been involved in many extracurriculars. I'm a junior though, so if I do a lot of extracurriculars my senior year, get really good SAT scores and write a good essay do I have a chance of getting to the University of Maryland Baltimore County, the University of New Hampshire, or the University of Vermont? My dreams schools are Princeton, Johns Hopkins, and Dartmouth, but I know I don't have a chance there. :(
Higher Education (University +) - 2 Answers

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Yeah, I think you have a chance to get into those schools. Even Princeton.


Sunday, June 26, 2011

Safe neigboorhoods, good schools in Baltimore area?

Safe neigboorhoods, good schools in Baltimore area?
Hi, I'll be relocating to Maryland around the Aberdeen/ Bel Air/Edgewood area. For all of you locals, what is the best town/ neighborhood/ schools in the area. Any places that I should stay away form? Any reputabable realtors? Fun things to do and sight see? I do not know anyone there. Thanks for your help.
Washington, D.C. - 1 Answers

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I'd stay away from Edgewood due to increased gang activity. The US 1 corridor is very safe from Balto Co. all the way to the Cecil County line. The first site has things to do and sight see for Harford County. I recommend the following realtor for Harford County.

Friday, June 24, 2011

What colleges offer Financial economics as an undergraduate degree?

What colleges offer Financial economics as an undergraduate degree?
I need schools that are decent - not extremely good, like johns Hopkins, or brown university. i seem to have trouble finding some colleges. So far i am applying to U. of Rochester, and U. Maryland Baltimore county. Those have it as undergrad. any others around those schools? Remember, i want to get this as my bachelors i can take international econ for my graduate degree...
Economics - 1 Answers

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Lots of good econ schools. You sound as if you want a combination of Business and Econ degree. For example Penn State offers Econ in the college of business. When done you have all the acctg, finance, marketing, management of a business major plus econ. BC

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Do you think the prices for Driving School is crazy?

Do you think the prices for Driving School is crazy?
I called around the areas where Im (Baltimore, Maryland) and the prices Ive found was ridiculous. The first place was 250.00, which is the normal price. The second place wanted 245.00, the third, 300.00 but that was in Anne Arundel County, Maryland. The lowest Ive seen was 215.00. Which is a lot better than the rest, but still a crazy price. I remember it was a time where you didnt have to pay anything. All you had to do was have someone teach you how to drive, and than you would go and take the test. I think drunk driving and people that are 16-18 years old driving unsafe messed this up.
Other - Cars & Transportation - 5 Answers

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You are wrong guy,at the present time practically all state require certified driver education and many other very stringent requirements before you can become a licensed driver.

I agree the prices are crazy! Thankfully I got into 1st semester drivers ed this year and the fee was 200$ plus 20$ for licensing fees. The private places around here are around 300!

Stop complaining. Do you have any idea what it cost to get a license in Europe? About $3000. But than again they really teach people how to drive over there.

You're lucky if driving school is only $215 - 300. In ontario, most driving schools cost upwards of $500 - 1000. And here we DON'T require certified driving instructions to get your license. It may help with insurance, but it's not required. The outrageous cost is to help offset their cost of insurance, vehicles, and other such expenses for running a driving instruction school. Do you know how many accidents those cars go through with new drivers, and how often they have to get new cars?? A lot more often than if everyone learned with their parents. They also have to pay their teachers, and that gets expensive. So, be grateful that it's only a few hundred, rather than several. Good luck on your test.

well life is tough...nothing is cheap...lucky u saved all your birthday/christmas money and the money from babysitting and your paper rout...when i was 16 yrs old i had 3500 dollars in bank...good luck...tell ma &pa as soon as u can drive they woulnt have to

Monday, June 20, 2011

What are the best dance schools in the country?

What are the best dance schools in the country?
I am considering Peabody dance located in Baltimore, Maryland (part of the Johns Hopkins University). Although it seems to have high name recognition, I am unsure if this is due to their highly accredited music program rather than dance.
Dancing - 2 Answers

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juliard is a really great school!

yes juilliard is a great school but only if you are THE best ballerina out there. the second best school (if not equally as good as juilliard) is NYU's dance school. it is pretty much just as selective and just as good. and actually OSU has an amazing dance program. only 30 students can major in dance at OSU every year so if that's what you're thinking you should check it out. some other well known schools for dance are: Arizona State University Butler University Florida State University Indiana University Marymount Manhattan College NYU, Tisch School of the Arts North Carolina School of the Arts Point Park University Southern Methodist University University of Arizona University of Michigan University of Oklahoma University of South Florida University of Utah

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